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What Are Our Names ?

edited September 2013 in Fund Discussions
Fund Quiz:

I was once the fund manager of a very large and well known mutual fund from 1996-2005. My brother was once an analyst for a sector fund from 1998-2000 tht is red hot today. What are our names ?


  • Art
    edited September 2013
    Rajiv Kaul managed FBIOX from 1998-2000. A blank on his brother? Maybe.
  • Reply to @Art: Sorry ! Next time better luck
  • edited September 2013
    I'm suspicious you are referencing the Gensler brothers, Rob & Gary. Rob left the Media & Telecom fund at Price in 2005 after a long successful tenure to become head of their Global Stock fund. So - there's a date match of sorts. Brother Gary was an analyst at Goldman Sachs in his early financial career around the time you reference. But, far as I can tell, this was not specifically at a mutual fund. Gary, of course, has written a book scathingly critical of mutual funds and has seen government service in Washington.
  • Yes. Gensler brothers has to be it.
  • Reply to @VintageFreak: Sorry! Better luck next time.
  • Rupert and Charles Johnson.

    FBDIX and ?

    My last guess.
  • Reply to @Art: Sorry ! Better luck next time.
  • I would have said brothers at Fido and TRP, but the latter was busy managing funds (not serving as analyst) 1998-2000. And the fund he managed during those years isn't even in the top quarter of its sector for the past year - warm, but not exactly hot. The fund he managed in 1997 - 2000 is indeed white hot, but those are the wrong years.

    So I may be off track. Will keep pondering.

  • TedTed
    edited September 2013
    Reply to @msf: Your warm ! Fido and TRP,
  • The Stansky brothers??
  • Ooooo ... Rex and Rob Ryan! Didn't they manage money with their dad, Buddy?
  • Reply to @David_Snowball: Failing that, those dates do match the years Harry Lange ran Fido Cap App, just before taking the dive at Magellan. Hmmmm...
  • Art
    edited September 2013
    Bob and Brian Stansky.

    Magellan Fund FMAGX and T.R. Price PRMTX.

    Had to keep looking. This is it.
  • Reply to @Art: Thanks Art, couldn't think of their first names.
  • Reply to @Art: 1997-2000 PRMTX----1998-2000 PRHSX.
  • Reply to @David_Snowball: If you continue to make light of serious mutual fund discussion, you will be banned from MFO.
  • Brian was the manager (not analyst AFAIK) for Health Sciences from 1998 to 2000. The fund's five year record didn't make it into the the top two deciles (top quintile); the fund's one year record isn't in the top three deciles (barely made top 1/3). On at least a relative basis, I wouldn't call that a red hot fund. YMMV.

    Another of his former charges, TRP Media & Telecom (PRMTX) is top 1 percentile for past 1, 3, 5, and 10 years. Now that is what one might call a red hot fund. Today. Yesterday. Yesteryear.
  • Reply to @msf: This sounds to me like sour grapes ! The question was 1998-2000, not 1997.
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