I have been reviewing the investments of several Intermediate Bond Funds. They either have no, or very little Treasuries (maybe a good thing), but I am concerned about the high percentages of Mortgage CMOs and Mortgage Passthroughs (95% in DBLTX, 74% in TGLMX (neither which have any Treasuries) and 60% in PTTRX (which, surprisingly, DOES have 12% in Treasuries which I thought he sold all).
Are these mortgage CMOs and passthroughs ANYTHING like the junk mortgage stuff that caused the last crash in 2008? If different, are they safer and can you help me understand why?
If I may ask, what styles/sectors and/or specific mutual funds do you feel will be the most protective considering these economic conditions during next 1-3 years to help offset market downslides? I am looking to add a little more to a portion of our investments where my minimal goal with this portion is 4% (i.e., better than zilch returns on cash/cd's right now but I don't expect more). I have, and like, WEFIX (5%) and am thinking about adding 3% more.
You are looking at PTTRX holdings as of 12/31/2010, so BG hadn't yet sold all Treasuries. Mortgage pass-throughs from Fannie and Freddie are effectively US government obligations. The biggest risk here is that most trade at a premium and all return principle at par. Other pass-throughs and CMO's require a great deal of analysis and IMO should be avoided as direct investments by individuals. How well a fund does with them is a result of effective analysis, diversification and prognostication.
Believe that the fund in question is TFCVX, Third Avenue Focussed Credit: