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Resurgence of Europe

edited May 2013 in Off-Topic
"Surging supplies of natural gas in North America, unlocked from shale rock by a new combination of technology known as hydraulic fracturing, have prompted many U.S. power generators to switch away from coal, pushing increasing amounts of the fuel (coal) into Europe as cheap imports...In 2012, U.S. exports of coal to Europe rose 23%."

Shale Boom Is a Bust for Europe's Gas Plants


  • WSJ playing stupid games as usual- for link (via Google) to bee's article:

    (Go to: "Shale Boom Is a Bust for Europe's Gas Plants" for access to WSJ article)

    HOWEVER... While looking up bee's article, also found this from Bloomberg:

    Europe Coal Use to Fall 26% as Plants Close, Deutsche Bank Says

    Both articles one day old- if both are correct then it looks like "lights out" for Europe, as they are cutting back on both coal and gas. And of course, Germany is supposedly shutting down atomic, as well. H'mmm...

    Great example of dubious accuracy in reporting... by somebody.

  • edited May 2013
    user deleted, was just a bunch of worthless dribble.

    Better to stay to my housework at this time.

  • edited May 2013
    Reply to @catch22: re: "lower pricing from Asian areas"

    Yes, there have been recent retaliatory moves in Germany regarding solar panels. Are you seriously suggesting that the Chinese government, or any other government, has the right to effectively kill worldwide competition by outrageous subsidies to a carefully targeted production area? And those other manufacturers, and their representative governments, should just sit there with a stupid smile on their collective faces?

    Chinese formula for economic success:

    1) Utilize government-sponsored resources to steal trade secrets and proprietary manufacturing information.

    2) Create government-sponsored (or tolerated) manufacturing enterprises, using that stolen property.

    3) To insure success, support these new "industries" with government subsidies just to make sure that they prevail in the world market.

    Works every time.
  • How about no more or equal subsidies world-wide?
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