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The Atlantic Releases Full Transcript of Attack Planning That Trump’s Advisers Shared on Signal

edited March 26 in Off-Topic
From The Atlantic (But you need a subscription to view most of it) DOD attack planning

Newsweek has published some pretty substantial “leaked” portions of the chat - if not the entirety.

From the BBC (They must be laughing at us over there. I can hear it way over here)


  • The text was 2 hours before the attack. If that was intercepted by Russia (and one of the people on the chat was in Moscow) and they notified Iran, the Houthi's could have prepared their air defenses and possibly taken down our planes. Disgusting and incompetent.
  • edited March 26
    The good news - Apparently no nuclear codes were shared.
  • Excellent! If there wasn't anything secret on the chat then there's nothing to worry about. Or is there? Total freaking screw up by all administration participants!

    The Signal is Flashing Red - Jennifer Rubin in The Contrarian.
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