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‘...not your grandmother’s Easter Egg Roll' - White House seeks corp sponsorships for Easter event

The White House, through an outside event production company called Harbinger, is soliciting corporate sponsors for this year’s Easter Egg Roll, which is prompting major concerns from ethics experts and shock from former White House officials from both parties. The sponsorship offers range from $75,000 to $200,000, with the promise of logo and branding opportunities, according to a nine-page document sent to potential sponsors and obtained by CNN.

All money raised by Harbinger will go to the White House Historical Association, a private non-profit org.

But the solicitation for sponsorships marks an unprecedented offering of corporate branding opportunities on White House grounds running counter to long-established regulations prohibiting the use of public office for private gain.

“This is an enterprise. This is not your grandmother’s Easter Egg Roll where people lined up outside the gate and go and roll an egg and get a little gift bag and walk out,” said a former official involved in planning the event, which has cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in recent years.


  • edited March 23
  • The presidency went to the highest bidder so why not an event on the lawn?
  • edited March 23
    Will the kids have to wear MAGA caps?
  • It will be a circus show leads by the big bozo and his companies. This is another way to fleece their followers.
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