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edited March 23 in Off-Topic
Some time ago MFO was suggested as a good forum to learn and discuss investments. I have since learned there is a nest of radical left wing Trump haters who's only objective is to put down the presidents administration. Not all poster of course, but a large nest who pretty much dominant the forum. Anyone who challenges their words is called all sort of hate names. They will take any type of news article and turn it into hate. I regret that I fell into the trap and replied to some of their hate post. These people would rather to see our country fail than to see our President succeed. Trump is not perfect but he is the President. These posters are far from perfect. In fact, they are supporting the enemies of our country. They are no better than the Communist. Therefore, I quit MFO. (And you can be sure that the snake nest will say "good".)


  • Hondo- you have articulated proleft complaints better than I ever could-what negative, always downer people they are-attack attack attack-thats all they know whatever happenned to mutual fund discussions and rays of hope??
  • edited March 22
    "They are no better than the Communist."

    Wow, never any "hate names" from @Hondo, right? Speaking of "Communists", how's Trump doing with his best buddy Putin?
  • edited March 22
    Remarkable, the deliberate ignorance, unwillingness to SEE what is happening under their noses. They all need a detox farm to recover from Orange Kool-Aid addiction. The Orange "President" has already broken his oath more times than you can count. His "Administration" is a coup d'etat.
  • @hondo, I am saddened that you and your ilk cannot understand that trump and his administration is lawless and he has caused a constitutional crises.
  • edited March 22
    News flash Hondo - there are many Trump haters in this country. And for good reason.

    Deal with it.

    P.S. Kind of arrogant to announce your vaunted "departure". But grandstanding is big in MAGA world, as is whining when others don't blindly follow Orange.
  • This is not an airport, one does not need to announce their departure.

    ... which is sad, b/c I have valued hondo's comments over the years, both here and at M*. But hey, each to their own. ;/

  • lowering of cognitive dissonance is a net value add.
    too much effort to notice when some point may randomly be valid.
  • edited March 22
    The USA has gone from the most respected country in the world to the least respected and the biggest laughingstock in just the past 2 months. We don’t live in a vacuum and the policies of MAGA Trump do impact our investments.
  • What a ridiculous post. Followers of the orange felon are the whiners and haters.
    And since this is a forum meant to discuss investments -- I lost money when he was President the first time, and the stock market has been a disaster so far this time around as well. Will it recover? Probably. But it will be inspite of his policies, not because of of anything he's doing for the majority of Americans.
    I don't come here to read about politics -- but tRump thrives on making everything about him, so it's inevitable that the politics of investing is going to come up here and that there will be many opinions. It shouldn't be shocking -- but it is -- that the leader of the party thrives on division but his followers can't seem to take it when anyone pushes back. Good riddance.
  • Jeeze... I sure hope it wasn't anything that we said...
  • edited March 23
    Addition by subtraction.

    Now if you really wanted to do something noteworthy tell us you also promise to QUIT voting in federal and state elections.
  • About us communists:

    "In a similar moment, Senator Margaret Chase Smith, of Skowhegan, Maine, stood up to Wisconsin senator Joe McCarthy. McCarthy and his supporters were hoping to gain votes in the 1950 midterm elections by stoking fear that the communists who had recently taken control of China threatened the U.S. On February 9, 1950, during a speech to a group gathered in Wheeling, West Virginia, to celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, McCarthy, a Republican, claimed that he had a list of 205 communists working for the State Department and that the Democrats refused to investigate these “traitors in the government.”

    Sympathetic newspapers trumpeted McCarthy’s charges—which kept changing, and for which he never offered proof—and many of his colleagues cheered him on, while Republicans who disapproved of his tactics kept their heads down to avoid becoming the target of his attacks.

    All but one of them did, that is. Senator Smith recognized the damage McCarthy and his ilk were doing to the nation. On June 1, 1950, with McCarthy sitting two rows behind her, Smith stood up in the Senate to speak. “Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism,” she said. Americans have the right to criticize, to hold unpopular beliefs, to protest, and to think for themselves, she said. She condemned those trying to stifle dissent.

    “I do not want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny—Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear,” she said. “As an American, I condemn a Republican Fascist just as much as I condemn a Democrat Communist. They are equally dangerous to you and me and to our country. As an American, I want to see our nation recapture the strength and unity it once had when we fought the enemy instead of ourselves.”

    Senator Smith ended with a warning: “It is high time that we all stopped being tools and victims of totalitarian techniques—techniques that, if continued here unchecked, will surely end what we have come to cherish as the American way of life.”

    Letters From An American by Heather Cox Richardson, March 22, 2025
  • edited March 23
    Out of curiosity, I checked the MFO site to see what is the quit or account deletion mechanism?

    There is none.

    I saw Sign Out & Profile Edit - don't think a blank username would work.

    I suppose a poster can send MFO PM/DM/Email to the site managers with request to delete the account. Contact Us can be accessed via MFO Home, but not from MFO Discussions page.

    Unless I missed something obvious, a suggestion is to add delete/quit button/click under the Settings.
  • edited March 23
    @hondo - My view is that if a financial website and its participants can help me make money, I don’t care which way they lean politically.

    I subscribe to / read a daily site run by a pro-Trump Republican. I may disagree 100% with his politics and yet still receive investment wisdom from him and those who address questions to him. I don’t go there for political inspiration - just to learn how to make money. As MFO is rich in experienced investors steeped with financial wisdom, ”tossing the baby along with the bathwater” comes to mind here.

    Reading through your list of prior comments shows 75% or more political in nature. If that is your main reason for visiting, you are probably correct in moving on to a site where your views will be better welcomed.

  • Drama queen.
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