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  • edited March 19
    How does putting idle cash into Vanguard's heavily promoted new Cash Plus solve this problem when one can just put it in higher paying money-market or 3-month T-Bills?
  • Think it was just more of a sales pitch to entice prospective depository individuals to invest in their new Cash Plus account.
  • msf
    edited March 19
    Vanguard Cash Plus Account benefits

    One account. Two ways to divvy up your cash:
    Keep all your money in the bank sweep program [and/or] Diversify into 5 Vanguard money market funds

    Investors can use a Vanguard Cash Plus account to invest in some of the highest paying MMFs. Though with this account they still cannot invest in anything else, be that 3-month T-bills or a newfangled MM ETF.
  • Well, even leaving the money in the Vanguard sweep account currently earns 3.65%. That's a lot better than Schwab's approach. One side benefit to Schwab is that I visit the account every day to see if anything needs to be transferred, and that's a good thing from a security standpoint.
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