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FOMC Statement, 11/7/24

edited November 2024 in Other Investing
FOMC Statement, 11/7/24

Video - Powell's presser starts at 59:00

Notes by YBB

Rates were cut 25 bps - fed funds 4.50-4.75%, bank reserves rate 4.65%, discount rate 4.75%. Treasury QT continues at the reduced level of -$25 billion/mo, but MBS QT remains at -$35 billion/mo.

Rates are on a declining path to a lower but unknown "neutral" rate, but rate cuts cannot be projected beyond that, nor could rate increases be ruled out. The current rates are restrictive - the labor market has cooled down, but inflation remains problematic when looking at 3m, 6m, 12m PCE changes (i.e. don't just focus on 12m changes). There are catchups in prices in housing services, insurance premiums, some wages, etc, so those are affecting some inflation readings. The Fed wants to avoid stagflation (slow growth, high inflation, high unemployment); it will also not persistently undershoot its +2% average inflation target.

Higher bond and mortgage yields after the last Fed rate cut may be due to strong economy and/or investors' concerns about high annual deficits and total debt. He said that those may be manageable now, but their rising trend is unsustainable.

The US economy is in a good shape now. But many people are not happy with their financial situations. It may take some time to adjust to higher prices and to realize that lower inflation doesn't mean lower prices.

Powell didn't want to comment on elections. But he said that elections don't affect the Fed policy in the near-term. The administration and congressional policies may affect Fed's actions in the long-term. The Fed has a large economic model and many inputs go into it including fiscal and tax policies. He said that he won't resign if asked and said further that any such efforts would not be permitted under the law. He also declined to address the issue of Fed independence.

Geopolitical risks remain although those haven't impacted the US economy so far.

Note - Due to a prior commitment, these notes were prepared by watching the tape of Powell's presser after the event, so they weren't posted as timely as is typical.


  • edited November 2024
    Powell said several times the labor market is strong and then he said once that the labor market is less tight today than it was in 2019 before the pandemic.

    Really? Was the comparison to 2019 accurate?

    The rise in breakevens since the previous FOMC did not seem to bother Powell because he minimized the impact of higher inflation expectations by saying that the rise in bond yields is because the economy is turning out to be stronger. So, why the cut?

    Interesting that Michelle Bowman voted for the cut. As I said before, she is doing all the right things to become the next Fed Chair. Good for her.
  • A reporter asked about rising breakeven inflation rate, but Powell said that he isn't worried yet. Here are 5-yr and 10-yr breakeven inflation rates - they are approaching the levels seen in 04/2024.
  • edited March 18
    BaluBalu said:

    Interesting that Michelle Bowman voted for the cut. As I said before, she is doing all the right things to become the next Fed Chair. Good for her.

    Here you go -

  • edited March 18
    Yahoo Finance has an open link with good background information on naming of Michelle Bowman as the Fed's new Vice Chair for Bank Supervision. As Michael Barr stays on as Fed Governor, no Fed vacancy is created by this (he resigned from the VC position in January to make room for a new VC).
  • edited March 18
    YBB, It was smart for him to give up the Supervision role. When you know you will not be allowed to be effective, then no point to wait to prove that thesis. Better to conserve energy and focus where one can be effective.

    It is not like if there was a vacancy, she would not have been appointed to the position. She plays the DC game better than anyone more qualified than her. I met too many of her. She will get confirmed. the elbowing to push Powell out goes a notch higher.

    We are in a phase of our society when thieves set the policing rules. If you recall, it was ABA that also actively lobbied in favor of gutting CFPB. Seeds are getting sowed for fireworks.

    In 2024, I more than doubled my allocation to bank stocks, even after moving some legacy holdings to DAF. I may not like what is to come but at least make some money in the process.
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