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Who is the nations chief law enforcement officer?

The Attorney General of the United States? Not any more. The king decided he is now the nations chief law enforcement officer today. Getting the picture? The rule of law is now decided in the orange house,,, we have no legislative branch worth mentioning and soon the Supreme Court will either rubber stamp all the the king decrees or they will be ignored. I know the market went up today but if you can’t connect the dots you might be blind.


  • edited March 15
    And anyone or group who might be able to stop the coup is sitting idly by. The Reichstag is home on a break, after ceding their authority to remove the fake Emergency Declaration by the Fuhrer which "allows" him to impose the tariffs. By a contorted procedural vote, the House voted that the rest of the year will constitute one long single day, precluding a vote desired by the minority which would have required Congress members to be recorded as APPROVING or DISAPPROVING of the whacko tariffs. (Reported by H.C. Richardson and Maddow.)

    "The Republicans’ legislation that a day is not a day seems to prove the truth of Burke’s observation that by trying to force reality to fit their ideology, radical ideologues will end up imposing tyranny in the name of liberty."

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