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Is T a Russian asset?

Found this online, I didn't do any research to verify the article but it's interesting.

"July 1987, Moscow, USSR — Trump, 41 years old, flies to Moscow at the invitation of Soviet Ambassador to the U.S., Yuri Dubinin.
Upon returning from Moscow, the bankrupt Trump suddenly receives loans from 16 banks and, without negotiation, purchases The Plaza Hotel for $407.5 million — a record price for a hotel.
What does this mean? There are several theories, one of which suggests that Trump is a russian asset.
Currently, three former KGB agents claim that Trump was recruited by russia. They allege that the KGB used flattery and business opportunities to appeal to Trump’s ambitions, aiming to recruit him as an asset.
Upon his return to the U.S., the then-apolitical Trump began loudly criticizing NATO, taking out full-page ads in The Washington Post on September 2, 1987.
These claims come from Alnur Mussayev, former KGB officer and ex-head of Kazakhstan’s intelligence service, as well as ex-KGB agents Yuri Shvets and Sergei Zhyrno, who now reside in the U.S. and France, respectively.
None of these former KGB operatives has provided direct evidence, but the fact that three agents, speaking at different times and from different locations, tell the same story suggests that the possibility should not be dismissed.
Regardless of whether these allegations are true, Trump’s behavior is telling. He has sided with russia and North Korea at the UN, is pulling out of NATO, and has alienated Western allies with trade wars.


  • edited March 12
    I just read his 1st bankruptcy was 1991 so this article now has doubts.
  • edited March 12
    Ya, I saw the same stuff, too. Might be some inaccuracies. Yet the Orange Despicable-ness certainly does behave and make decisions more consistent with one who is a Russian asset than a patriotic US Chief Executive and leader of the FREE world.
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