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Trying to kick-start slumping Tesla

edited March 11 in Off-Topic
”Musk’s net worth decreased by $29bn yesterday alone.”

The Guardian


  • edited March 11
    Tesla EVs were appealing to many left-leaning, environmentally-conscious consumers.
    Musk alienated much of Tesla's customer base since he went all in on right-wing politics.
    His capricious DOGE actions surely have not helped in this regard.
    Prices for used Tesla vehicles have been depreciating significantly.
    If a consumer is searching for a used EV and can tolerate the Musk association, bargains may be available.
  • edited March 11
    gman57s post on this page is telling. Why on earth would Musk risk so much for no gain? The answer may be in all the data he’s able to swipe from those government computers. Unfortunately, once it’s “out the door” there’s no way to put it back in the box.

    I’d probably enjoy driving a Tesla. But not until Hell freezes over …
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