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Contrarian substack article by Jennifer Rubin who wrote opinion columns for The Washington Post before resigning.


  • Thank you. Very well written. Excerpt from her article.
    Now, even Trump won’t rule out a potential recession. If other consequences of Trump mismanagement and chaos manufacturing arise (e.g., a government shutdown, a default on the U.S. debt, escalation of violence in the Middle East), the damage will be profound.

    It is not too late to avoid the worst pain. Trump could permanently rule out tariffs. Congress could significantly scale back the tax cut and produce a more responsible budget. Acting president Elon Musk could cease mindless cuts and wholesale layoffs of federal employees. And the administration could drastically scale back mass deportation.

    But all of that would require Trump and his MAGA troops’ recognition that they are propelling us toward economic catastrophe. The likelihood that this bunch will engage in some humility or self-reflection, revise course, rely on economic expertise, and reject inane conspiracy theories (e.g., “globalists” are sinking the stock market) is close to zero.

    Electing an ignorant, narcissist president and spineless supplicants to control Congress has real consequences. Tragically, the ones most affected will be the most vulnerable Americans.
  • "Electing an ignorant, narcissist president and spineless supplicants to control Congress has real consequences. Tragically, the ones most affected will be the most vulnerable Americans."

    Yep, I agree with the author's conclusion.
  • Enjoyed the shade thrown....added bold for emphasis..."Though the full impact of President in Name Only (PINO) Donald Trump’s massive layoffs of federal workers, erratic and inflationary tariffs, and plans for a huge deficit increase have yet to be felt, the economy is sputtering."
  • edited March 10
    The worst insult to everyone is that he will cut tax for the wealthy and let the rest of us suffer with inflation and unemployment.

    Noted many GOP representatives are no longer holding town hall meetings as they meet with their angry constituents.

    Where are the fiscal conservatives who really care about federal deficit ?
  • edited March 11
    The obfuscation is amazing. “First we’ll make you poorer so that later on you will be richer.”

    PT Barnum couldn’t have said it any better.
  • From Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American:

    "Trump is 'steering the country toward a downturn with his tariffs and cuts to spending and the federal workforce—for no logical reason,' Washington Post economic reporter Heather Long wrote on March 6. 'Trump’s whipsaw actions have put businesses and consumers on edge,' she noted. If they stop spending at the same time that the government slashes jobs and spending, a downward spiral could lead to a recession. 'Trump is inciting an economic storm,' Long wrote. 'The big question is why he’s doing this.'”

    "One answer might be that Trump’s top priority is the extension of the 2017 tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, at the same time that he has also promised to cut the deficit. Those two things are utterly at odds: the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that extending the tax cuts will cost the country more than $4 trillion over the next ten years."
  • Amazing that this guy still maintains a 46% approval rating. HOW? People are blind.
  • People are blind to what they don't want to see.
  • @ Old_Joe. You nailed it. This is a president of breathtaking incompetence and/or historically evil intent and his ratings are still not cratering. The poor media anywhere to the left of fox doesn’t know what atrocity to cover first, second, third ,,,,,,
  • That's why this time it is different. He has surrounded himself with yes-men... nobody to stop his crazy BS. See this video, start at 2:47 --- Steve Liesman says "what Trump is doing is insane."

  • Insane, evil, incompetent? At the end of the day it’s all the same to citizens with no jobs ,,, no more Medicaid, and soon no more Medicare or social security . Anyone doubt this shits coming down?
  • Might take some "fired" employees simply conducting a sit-in, refusing to leave. Not enough cops to keep up with all of the removals they are supposed to do...?
  • What better way to inflict revenge on your country than to usurp power and execute policies that, historically, have wreaked enormous damage to that country.
  • Watched 5 minutes of Fox News yesterday, and I threw up in my mouth a little when Hannity rolled out a commercial THANKING Dump for what a great job he is doing. A full on suck-up commercial saluting Dump.

    Made it seem like he was god-like. As he tears the country apart.

    The propaganda machine is rolling strong.
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