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Trump: Russia Not a Cyber threat

Following are excerpts from a current report in The Guardian:

'Recent incidents indicate US is no longer characterizing Russia as a cybersecurity threat'
The Trump administration has publicly and privately signaled that it does not believe Russia represents a cyber threat against US national security or critical infrastructure, marking a radical departure from longstanding intelligence assessments. The shift in policy could make the US vulnerable to hacking attacks by Russia, experts warned, and appeared to reflect the warming of relations between Donald Trump and Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin.

Liesyl Franz, deputy assistant secretary for international cybersecurity at the state department, said in a speech last week before a United Nations working group on cyber security that the US was concerned by threats perpetrated by some states but only named China and Iran, with no mention of Russia in her remarks. Franz also did not mention the Russia-based LockBit ransomware group, which the US has previously said is the most prolific ransomware group in the world and has been called out in UN forums in the past. The treasury last year said LockBit operates on a ransomeware-as-service model, in which the group licenses its ransomware software to criminals in exchange for a portion of the paid ransoms.

In contrast to Franz’s statement, representatives for US allies in the European Union and the UK focused their remarks on the threat posed by Moscow, with the UK pointing out that Russia was using offensive and malicious cyber attacks against Ukraine alongside its illegal invasion.

“It’s incomprehensible to give a speech about threats in cyberspace and not mention Russia and it’s delusional to think this will turn Russia and the FSB (the Russian security agency) into our friends,” said James Lewis, a veteran cyber expert formerly of the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank in Washington. “They hate the US and are still mad about losing the cold war. Pretending otherwise won’t change this.”

The US policy change has also been established behind closed doors: A recent memo at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Cisa) set out new priorities for the agency, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security and monitors cyber threats against US critical infrastructure. The new directive set out priorities that included China and protecting local systems. It did not mention Russia.

A person familiar with the matter who spoke to the Guardian on the condition of anonymity said analysts at the agency were verbally informed that they were not to follow or report on Russian threats, even though this had previously been a main focus for the agency. The person said work that was being done on something “Russia-related” was in effect “nixed”.

“Russia and China are our biggest adversaries. With all the cuts being made to different agencies, a lot of cyber security personnel have been fired. Our systems are not going to be protected and our adversaries know this,” the person said.

The New York Times has separately reported that the Trump administration has also reassigned officials at Cisa who were focused on safeguarding elections from cyberattacks and other attempts to disrupt voting. Another person who previously worked on US Joint Task Forces operating at elevated classification levels to track and combat Russian cyber threats said the development was “truly shocking”.

“There are thousands of US government employees and military working daily on the massive threat Russia poses as possibly the most significant nation state threat actor. Not to diminish the significance of China, Iran, or North Korea, but Russia is at least on par with China as the most significant cyber threat,” the person said.

The person added:“There are dozens of discrete Russia state-sponsored hacker teams dedicated to either producing damage to US government, infrastructure, and commercial interests or conducting information theft with a key goal of maintaining persistent access to computer systems.”
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“The US has long assessed Russia, China and Iran as leaders in cyberthreats. To see a US representative in an international setting erase Russia’s role altogether comes as a bit of a shock – though consistent with the sudden US alignment with Russia and its satellites on the global stage,” said Scott Horton, an American lawyer who previously worked in Moscow and advised Russian human rights advocates.

The US has long warned that Russia posed a cyber threat to US infrastructure, including in the annual threat assessment published by US intelligence agencies last year. The report stated that Russia posed an “enduring global cyber threat” even as it has prioritized cyber operations against Ukraine. Moscow, the report concluded, “views cyber disruptions as a foreign policy lever to shape other countries’ decisions and continuously refines and employs its espionage, influence and attack capabilities against a variety of targets”. Russia was able to target critical infrastructure, industrial control systems, in the US and in allied and partner countries.

Cisa and the State Department did not respond to the Guardian’s requests for comment.


  • edited February 28
    Gee, @hondo... looks like your king is the real commie symp.
  • A setup for the raping of the richest and most powerful country in the world. No protections at all for American citizens. Will shares be sold or just transferred?
  • Motherlover Orange Russian White House Asset. Un-fucking-believable. But yes, coming from this Administration (coup) the unthinkable happens every 5 minutes. Jayzuz PUS!
  • Putin’s lapdogs.
  • But no, surely that can't be right- @hondo just told us it was the Democrats who were the Commies. This is getting complicated,
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