Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Zelensky is the real leader. The Orange Tool is doing Putin's bidding. Also, the Orange Schmuck wants the "glory" of a Nobel Peace Prize. Peace at what cost? (Sure, just let him have the Sudetenland. And, oh yeah: the rest of the continent, too.) Trump is cutting the rest of NATO adrift. Together, the Europeans must stand strong--- WITH Ukraine, not against Ukraine, the way Orange Donny wants to do. And don't forget those rare earth minerals he wants, too. Because for him, absolutely everything is about money.
Re: trump’s behavior toward Zelenskyy today. I could imagine DUMP yelling at Winston Churchill for fighting Hitler. Today is America’s day of shame. And my relationship with my government is just like it was in 1969. I am total DISGUSTED.
Maybe Putin is playing old KGB mind tricks on old Dump, or maybe Dump crushes on overbearing dictators who want to rule the world.
Either way, it's friggin scary that this guy is in the White House.