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SS: yet another high-level career employee quits.

edited February 17 in Off-Topic
A clash over access to data. The Orange "Administration" (oops, I mean coup d'etat) continues to run amok without regard to established norms and procedures which safeguard our data--- yours and mine. The un-elected thieves simply want IN, and they're going to do it, whatever the consequences might be. This is to say nothing of the mass firings which have been going on.

The parallel that comes to mind is the burning of the Reichstag, which our own Fuhrer will use, in our own particular circumstances, as a pretext to excuse and explain and justify his consolidation of unfettered power. His criminal tong will be in control of all the levers at gov't agencies. He aims to make the opposition impotent before they have a chance to react, respond and reverse these policies being carried out by his minions. But rest assured: he's making America GREAT again.

At what cost? The cost of our Republic. And the Repugnant Party majority on The Hill just... watches. And applauds.


  • If the SSA had been doing its job right all these years, there would no need to audit them. At some point, all government offices need and must be audited.
  • hondo said:

    If the SSA had been doing its job right all these years, there would no need to audit them. At some point, all government offices need and must be audited.

    The Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General oversees the Social Security Administration. The Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General conducts audits, investigations, and evaluations to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse within Social Security Administration programs. It operates independently to ensure accountability and efficiency in the administration of Social Security benefits.

    On January 24, 2025, trump fired the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration.

  • Oh Mona, why must you always confuse that poor soul with facts and logic? If they were able to think for themselves you'd be putting Fox out of business.
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