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Strange, these Time Zones



    "Condition No. 3: A strongman leader appeals to the fear and rage of his public

    In simple terms, populism is a social movement that seeks to turn back the clock, by extreme measures, if necessary. Nationalism is a natural extension, an effort to return the nation to its imagined former greatness.

    Both are fueled by a widespread sense of loss and humiliation, and by grievance and resentment. There’s a sense, the scholars said, that modern ways aren’t serving the needs of the masses, and the masses need to seize power and restore order and justice.

    In such conditions, Connelly and others said, people can turn away from democracy — and toward an authoritarian leader.
  • edited February 17
    The "herd." And how easily they are swayed. Is that very fact not an indictment of the educational system? In my friend's wife's school district, she is flat-out not ALLOWED to flunk a student. Jaypers crud.
  • With respects to JD_co's link (above) I'd bet a fairly large amount of money that 90% of our fellow citizens who voted for and approve of the current administration have not the slightest idea of what the Third Reich was, what it stood for, what it did, or what it paid for all of that.
  • I'd bet dollars to donuts that you're correct.
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