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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • OOPS! But the urban locations are often NOT choc full of Repugnants...
  • edited February 14
    Not sure about the rest of Huntsville, but U. of A. Huntsville is probably the leading public university hotbed of GHG climate warming denial. John Christy and Roy Spencer are the wackiest faculty of that ilk. Christy used to be the go-to skeptic anytime a media figure wanted to have a "debate," back in the aughts and early teens.
  • What is GHG?
  • Re: Birmingham:
    "Sen. Katie Britt, an Alabama Republican who serves on the Appropriations Committee, was among the first to speak out in favor of a “targeted approach” to reducing government waste. The University of Alabama at Birmingham has said the cuts to NIH would slow research and hurt the state’s economy.

    Britt’s fellow Alabama senator, Tommy Tuberville, acknowledged the impact in an interview, but suggested he’s not changing course. “I’m all on DOGE’s side.”
  • Greenhouse gas(es).
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