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penny = dead?

Unclear whether Orange Tool has the authority to do this unilaterally. Been to Canada in the past few years? They've eliminated their penny. Receiving your change from the store clerk takes some getting used to. They will round up or down to the nearest nickel.

... On the 1040, we're already dispensing with any "loose change." Only whole dollar amounts. A billion here, a trillion there, pretty soon we're gonna be "talking real money." Anyway, get rid of the penny? There's a truly suck-ass idea.


  • edited February 10
    Hmmm. Why is the dialogue from the cult classic movie Office Space ringing in my ears?
    Pennies DO add up!
  • Howdy,

    The penny costs more to mint than it's worth. Problem is that without the penny they'll have to mint more nickels and they have a worse cost profile than pennies. A penny costs about $0.04 cents, while a nickel costs about $0.14.

    While they're at it, replace the paper dollar with a coin.

    and so it goes,


  • How about we just rename the penny to nickel? And as long as we're at it we could eliminate the other nickel that costs 3X as much to produce .
  • Make all payments via CC or DC.
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