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"Peace in our time."

Remember Neville Chamberlain's big mistake? TRUSTING Der Fuhrer to honor his signature on the Munich treaty and to keep his word? "All I want is the Sudetenland." Ya, right. Appeasement.

Now here comes uncle Pete Hegseth, preaching appeasement: No, it's not realistic that Ukraine should decide for itself to want to belong to NATO. And NO, it's not realistic for Ukraine to reclaim its pre-2014 borders. ... In other words, Vladimir gets his own way. The Baltic States have joined NATO already. And Poland. Will he invade? I think Poot-breath senses weakness in NATO currently, particularly since Orange Belch could care less about it and its mutual commitments among member countries.

It's all utterly disgraceful. An Orange Fucking Disgrace. Countries around the world can see how (un)reliable the USA is now. I'd move to Ireland with my EU citizenship, were it not for my own commitments. I could actually live ANYWHERE in the EU. Well, the Polynesian WEATHER behaves like a big anchor keeping me here, too.



  • Hey Crash!!! +1. That’s too insightful to be lost in off topic land. Wonder what happened to Pete ‘s big talk about bring back the warrior and lethality? Our adversaries must be very happy this month.
  • larryB said:

    Hey Crash!!! +1. That’s too insightful to be lost in off topic land. Wonder what happened to Pete ‘s big talk about bring back the warrior and lethality? Our adversaries must be very happy this month.

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