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Bridge Over Troubled Waters

edited 12:46AM in Off-Topic
Nice rendition by Roberta Flack. You will need to click the ”Watch On U-Tube” link to listen.


  • Then next up should be "It's a mistake" by Men at Work.
  • Thank you @hank. Very appropriate for the troubling time ahead.
  • edited February 3
    Here’s somebody’s supposed list of the “100 greatest female singers of all time”.

    OK - An impossible task. If Roberta Flack made the list I didn’t see it. And how could Brenda Lee not make it? Yes - her reign was short, beginning at about age 14 and ending pretty much a decade later. But, Oh what a voice / What a singer!

    No quarrel with Madonna’s top spot. And a product of a downstate Michigan metro area public school she attended in the 70s. Cool.
    Sven said:

    Thank you @hank. Very appropriate for the troubling time ahead.

    Oh sure @Sven. The song was written by Paul Simon in 1969. I damn near melted the first time I heard it back then. Flack’s style is slow and smooth, thoughtful with lots of long pauses. A nice variation on Simon & Garfunkel’s ‘69 chart-topper.

    Perhaps a good time to remember the last words of Max Ehrmann’s Desiderata:

    “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.. Strive to be happy.”

  • All we have is each other. Institutions and "leaders" have failed EVERYONE, everywhere.
  • edited February 4
    Crash said:

    All we have is each other. Institutions and "leaders" have failed EVERYONE, everywhere.

    Not too different from what the MAGA crowd says. I won’t disagree with you. I’m just pointing out that your belief is near universal regardless of political affiliation. Something worth pondering.

  • ...But there is truth, and then there is bullshit. "Deep State," anyone? QAnon, anyone? Ya, there have been plenty who hitched onto that junk. Imagine being so pathetic that you gaslight yourself???
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