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To what extent do you use a dedicated Artificial Intelligence App on your personal devices - if any?

edited February 1 in Off-Topic
Feel like I’m living in the dark ages because I’ve never installed ChatGPT or any other AI App on any device, although Bing / Brave / Google often pull up AI generated answers in search queries (how would you prevent that?).

The must be unimaginable benefits to having your own AI assistant at your ready 24/7. I’d imagine it would make Siri look even dumber than she now appears. Today I asked Siri (voice function) “When is the next Federal Holiday?” Her answer: “Today is not a holiday.” On second try she pulled up a link to a calander of holidays if I wanted to open up the device and research the simple question on my own.

The concern is obvious. It’s the risk your AI App might steal / sell / or otherwise compromise the sensitive content stored on or linked to your device, especially banking / investment accounts, password, private conversations (if listening & audible response mechanisms are active).

Do you use AI? Do you consider any of these Apps safe? Perhaps a dumb question since merely owning a device that can function online is a significant risk. Using Siri’s audible / microphone enabled function creates the same risks - if you routinely discuss sensitive matters aloud. However, ISTM AI raises the risk to a much higher level - perhaps “quantum”.


  • Brave browser installed the option. I never use it.
  • I have two apps that Micro download. I will soon be deleting them with a little help from a friend if possible! Co-pilot & ?
  • I've been using artificial intelligence since about the first grade. I've found that it does fool some people, but not all.
  • edited February 2
    ”Brave browser installed the option. I never use it “

    Yeah @Crash - A link to AI would be less invasive than installing the actual software on your device. I’ve used such links and generally have been awed by the results. @Anna recently posted a long comparative analysis of 2 musicians AI had composed.

    But if an AI App is actually installed on your device, “never using it” would seem irrelevant. AI is powerful beyond belief. That might be like giving the keys to your home to a burglar along with a diagram showing where all your valuables are stored, but than instructing him never to enter the premises.

    I’m not against using an AI App. Would just like to be better informed before proceeding. Thought perhaps at least some on the board might be currently using it for investment related analysis. At the professional investor level AI is widely used. Rick Rieder, for one, has commented (actually raved) about how he uses it in evaluating credit risk in bonds for the funds he manages. Thought about posting this on the investment side, but that seems to be tightly focused on actual investing at present. This is more OT relevant.

    Thanks for all the thoughts.

  • I don't use knowingly use them. At all.
  • The DuckDuckGo browser and Amazon both use some sort of mild AI to summarize return results and customer evaluations respectively. So far I find it somewhat helpful.
  • I came across this article about China’s DeepSeek AI. Something to think about your personal information and data.

  • edited February 3
    Thanks for the link @Sven. I can live without an AI App for now until more is known. Truth is we expose ourselves (privacy, financial assets, etc.) to some small degree every time we login to some account. And need to guard against some pretty sophisticated phone scams as well.
  • IPhones (and Android phones) too have their AI within their OS. It is one thing that they like to track your activities while you are at their sites. It is another that report your information to foreign government. When I travel abroad, I like to get local paid cell phones and keep my personal phone separately. It is much cheaper and safer. Learned that from Rick Steve, the travel guru.
  • edited February 3
    Ya, that's appalling privacy invasion. Rather like Google, Apple and the rest. Privacy is dead. We are living in the midst of a world, all together, in which Big Brother knows all. Big Brother knows when you take a leak. But Money is the Altar to which this society bows, so we allow it.
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