Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Excellent summary - if only the general public still read articles instead of worrying about TikTok apps.
Per Reich, the main tactics are: 1. Replace federal civil servants with Trump loyalists. 2. Take over independent decision making across government. 3. Put current officials on notice that defiance will be punished. 4. Eliminate or intimidate sources of news and facts that have criticized Trump. 5. Divide and conquer.
"It’s important to see Trump’s strategy as a whole. It is designed to consolidate his power. If we see it as a whole, the rest of us are better able to counter it — by demanding and fortifying our members of Congress, organizing for the midterm elections in 2026 to take back both chambers, conducting boycotts, and supporting and defending those who are vulnerable to Trump."
The reddit group "r/fednews" has a lot about what federal employees are reporting is going at the bench level. A strange complaint seems to be that new servers have appeared that go around the traditional chain of command and send threatening (perception of the posters) emails to the entire workforce from places like OPM and people working at high levels some of which may not be official federal appointees or employees. Some claim/imply the messaging is outside normal security. I would normally deem such reports as probable poppycock but, at this point in time, I find it possible.
Is there an effort underway to eliminate many agencies and privatize them? Turn over large parts of the government to business interests? I'm getting that feeling. Make them fail so they can say let private industry runs these functions. I'll give these agencies to my buddies so we all get richer and they will follow me because I made them rich. I guess that's what oligarchs do?
Is there an effort underway to eliminate many agencies and privatize them? Turn over large parts of the government to business interests? I'm getting that feeling. Make them fail so they can say let private industry runs these functions. I'll give these agencies to my buddies so we all get richer and they will follow me because I made them rich. I guess that's what oligarchs do?
Evidence from the history of the attempts to destroy the postal system says yes, that is the long game.
Per Reich, the main tactics are:
1. Replace federal civil servants with Trump loyalists.
2. Take over independent decision making across government.
3. Put current officials on notice that defiance will be punished.
4. Eliminate or intimidate sources of news and facts that have criticized Trump.
5. Divide and conquer.
"It’s important to see Trump’s strategy as a whole. It is designed to consolidate his power. If we see it as a whole, the rest of us are better able to counter it — by demanding and fortifying our members of Congress, organizing for the midterm elections in 2026 to take back both chambers, conducting boycotts, and supporting and defending those who are vulnerable to Trump."