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Super Catchup for 401k/403b from 2025

edited December 19 in Other Investing
Super Catchup for 401k/403b from 2025

Another Secure 2.0 provision for catchups for 401k, 403b, government 457 and federal TSP kicks in 2025.

For 55+ $7,500
For 60-63 $11,250 (higher of $10,000 and 150% of regular catchup)

SIMPLE retirement plan catchups are also adjusted: 55+ $3,500, 60-63 $5,250.


  • edited December 19
    Here is the active link above.

    Another way to get additional saving is through their employer’s matching contributions, often at 4% or more of their salary. There are exceptions that not all employers provide matching and the $ amount varies. If you are the fortunate ones that matching is available, so much the better with this “free money” for your retirement funds. Compounded growth of retirement do wonder when you start early in your career.
  • @Sven, thanks. I also fixed the link - it's active now.
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