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Art Cashin deceased.
I used to enjoy his snippets from the floor of the Exchange on CNBC. Bob Pisani always was asking him for input.:(


  • edited December 2
    The guy walked, talked and breathed Wall Street. Will be sorely missed.
  • "Never bet on the end of the world, because it only happens once, and even if it does, who are you going to settle the trade with?"

    - Art Cashin
  • An absolute legend. His folksy pithy wisdom will be sorely missed.
  • edited December 6
    NYSE just had a moment of silence for Art. He was my financial hero and will be sorely missed by so many.

    RIP Art. This Dewar's is for you!

  • @stillers From comments :2 December, 2024

    Knew him from my days on the floor. Great guy who could hold his adult beverages.
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