would be interested in hearing how to construct a search that best approximates this finding over multiple (3,5,10,20 yr) time periods :
"managers with the skill to outperform on the 5% of days with the worst market returns generate about as much unconditional future outperformance as managers with the skill to outperform on the remaining 95% of days"very short article well-worth reading...
I see that in the comments that Klement, the author of the linked piece, somewhat endorses the observation: "So basically just the low beta factor, but for funds?"
I often include betas <= one in my fund screen. But I have no idea how that could be used to identify the stock pickers dodging those worst few days of the investing calendar.
If there wasn't a turkey waiting for my attention in the refrigerator I might ponder whether the paper Klement is discussing goes into how long the out-performance persists. I also wonder how much overlap there might be between the groups over periods of time.