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  • CBS news reported last night that one of those fires destroyed a hundred or two ballots. What happens? Do they let the population know that if you dropped your ballot in that box you're SOL?
  • From a Yahoo News Report-

    "voters who believe their ballot was in the box when the fire occurred can request a new ballot at the county's voting website."
  • edited October 2024
    I don't know about where you're located but I can go look at the status of my ballot at any time. I. E. mailed out, returned, accepted etc... I would expect most places are the same. They'll track down the voters and have them resubmit their ballots. They will probably catch this person and they'll spend time in jail for their effort. YOU ARE ALWAYS ON CAMERA in todays world OR they'll track the cell phone who visited these sites right before the fires. Usually those who do this type activity aren't too bright IMHO.
  • I heard on the PBS news that a particular car was identified as suspect. Catch the a-hole(s.) Then separate them from their gonads. Slowly.

    Related: OOPS! I SCREWED UP! (Miami/Dade.)

    A private citizen picked up and turned in the box and bag. Good work. All votes accounted for.
  • Truly unbelievable! We fill out our ballot already and will bring to voting place early morning on November 5th. Don’t want to take a chance by mail. Our college kids are doing the same. Never in our lives that we witness this sort of voter intimidation.
  • Anybody think this is going to end the day after the election?
  • No, and that's a damn shame. In 2000, I was in Canada for the USA election. They were laughing up there, because Americans simply can't count. But what the Orange Trumpy Flab-Bag has initiated is bad faith, underhanded, cynical, even lethal, criminal junk. And oh, ya: HE is a criminal, himself. WHY isn't he in jail???? And his Kool-Aid-infected mob believe his every word. Will this country ever recover from the trauma he and his fellow Repugnants (not Republicans) have put us through?
  • Will it end?

    Maybe,,, if it's not close. Who would take his place? Tucker, Don Jr. It was never this bad before him so I'm hopeful once he's gone and the GOP realizes all he did was lose it'll quiet down. He's done quite a bit of damage, it's not the lying even though it's constant, it's the doubt the lying sows in everything.
  • Curious with the talk about mail-in ballets. In my state we can go in person and vote any day during the week before election day. I went to our town hall and voted yesterday. Does any other state have early walk-in voting besides NY State? It is really convenient.
  • Massachusetts. Surely, many or most others. I understand that Oregon is all-mail now. Same here in Hawaii. And Utah.
  • Ok, but to be clear this is walk in, fill out the form and feed it into the computer - done. Not mail-in.
  • MN allows early walk-in voting. Starts about 30-days prior to Election Day and usually done at city halls.
  • California's early voting period begins October 7, and allows you to cast your vote in person before Election Day.

    Vote-by-mail ballot drop-off locations open around the state on October 8, 2024.
  • Early voting is very easy in Oregon. There are local votes and special measures that we are voting too. Few we voted for many years ago to rebuild a river front that revitalized the local business and public recreation. We are ready to cast our ballot on next Monday.
  • Michigan voters passed a 'ballot proposal' for early voting (walk-in) in 2022, which is now part of the state constitution.
    As noted below, in the 'official' description; communities have flex in establishing dates, be it, the election is only local; and/or state/general elections.

    --- Early voting was available in 2024 presidential primary and 2024 August primary election. It is available for the November 2024 general election, and every statewide and federal election thereafter.

    The early voting period begins the second Saturday prior to Election Day and ends the Sunday before an election. However, communities may decide to provide additional days of early voting. Under state law, communities can offer up to 28 days of early voting.

    Early voting for the November Elections begins for most jurisdictions Saturday, October 26th excluding Detroit, Canton Township and East Lansing. Detroit will begin early voting Saturday, October 19th. Canton Township and East Lansing will begin early voting starting Monday, October 21st. ---
  • Only 3 states don't have early voting (walk-in) Mail-in voting is mostly called absentee voting.
  • Nice view/read. Thanks @gman57
  • Only 3 States: NH, MS, AL.
    "Live Free Or Die." Ya...
  • edited November 2024
    Sen. Welch (VT) has got it right.
    And I'm tired of the Political Correctness atmosphere in which you must conform and contort your words even before you can speak them, for fear that anything you might utter could offend a Martian hermaphrodite who is also left-handed and speaks Esperanto, and who missed her period last month. Jayzuz.

    On the other hand, you have the Orange Criminal Buffoon using rhetoric and images that are anti-social and beyond the pale.
  • Interesting how 45 freely roams lawless while at the same time Harris must be flawless. Bonkers!
  • edited November 2024
    Sven said:

    Early voting is very easy in Oregon. There are local votes and special measures that we are voting too. Few we voted for many years ago to rebuild a river front that revitalized the local business and public recreation. We are ready to cast our ballot on next Monday.

    @Sven, that sounds like the Portland revitalization along the Willamette? Love Portland; it was the "city" to go to when I lived in the upper Wm. valley in the '70s. I still order books from Powell's, though the last time I was in the store was 2007.
  • edited November 2024
    In Monday’s issue of Barron’s Randall Forsyth begins his weekly column by stating the obvious:

    ”Eight years ago in this space I paraphrased former President Gerald Ford, who noted on a different occasion that ‘our long national nightmare is over.’ Were it only true today. In-person balloting in the Nov. 5 U.S. election concludes on Tuesday, but the outcomes of the presidential and congressional elections aren’t likely to be decided for days, and perhaps weeks. Not only the tightly contested race for the White House but the makeup of the next Congress may not be known for some time.”

    Waiter! Bring me another!
  • edited November 2024
    I'm just glad it'll be over... for a couple months then they will start the 2028 political commercials... ugh. I just read they spent 10 BILLION on ads, how many people/vets could that feed or house? It's our own fault (I don't donate to politics) , stop donating to the madness, get rid of citizens united. If only we could get money out of politics. I know, it'll never happen.
  • edited November 2024
    gman57 said:

    I'm just glad it'll be over... for a couple months then they will start the 2028 political commercials... ugh. I just read they spent 10 BILLION on ads, how many people/vets could that feed or house? It's our own fault (I don't donate to politics) , stop donating to the madness, get rid of citizens united. If only we could get money out of politics. I know, it'll never happen.

    In the past, 90% of the candidates to whom I donate money have lost the election (or in Gore’s case had it stripped away by the SC). Maybe I should take gman57’s advice and stay far away from it.

  • @AndyJ, the living environment in Oregon have improved considerably since we moved there 30 years ago. Revitalizing older neighborhood through special measure was great for everyone, although some thought of it a waste of their tax dollars. Our young family were able to enjoy the local restaurants, farmer market, bakeries, and public library. In Halloween my kids and their friends have had great time enjoying that holiday. Best of all, all these venues are all within walking distance from each other. Other nearby cities such as Eugene and Corvallis have their fun too.
  • The Trumpsters will immediately move to legal challenges if he loses. Maybe in the Congressional races, too. I belong to neither major Party. But you can smell it in the air, no less than I can smell garlic here in Hawaii from miles away, because no one knows how to use it in moderation, here. So, the nightmare will not be over. The Kool-Aid-infected half of the population will need to grow old and die; perhaps a new younger generation can renew the political environment? Neither Dems nor Reps deserve my support. In Washington, the "uni-party" has things all locked up. There are big differences between them, except when it comes to 3rd Party challengers. How many Independents or Greens serve on The Hill? Maybe THREE? Out of 100 in the Senate? And with Arizona's Sinema, it was a chickenshit move. Changing horses in midstream. Is she in the race again this time? I think not.
  • edited November 2024
    Sinema didn't run again; she'd already tallied up plenty bona fides with all the corporate interests she wants.

    Shock poll (Oct. 28-31) from the Des Moines Register, the gold-standard Iowa Poll: Harris is up 3 points in IOWA. (The gender gap is wider than the Great Plains.)
  • edited November 2024
    LOL - Hillary’s 2016 VP running mate showed up live on SNL Saturday night. During a staged a “Quiz Show” routine none of the contestants recognized him or could remember his name.:)

    Fame is fickle.
  • edited November 2024
    While another (actual) Veep will likely be remembered for "potatoe." (There's an interesting twist to the story in the link that I'd never heard before.)
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