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MSNBC Project 2025, Part 1

MSNBC has noted running new sections for reporting, beginning July 29 (Monday evening) through the week. I will check this status to add additional new shows, as they appear.

Project 2025 video link HERE ; with about 11 minutes run time. Turn on 'audio' and Closed Caption icon is available for those who may be hearing impaired.


  • There is news today that Project 25 Director has quit & the Heritage Foundation is putting the Report & related PR on back burner. It's just a think-tank report that no one commissioned or endorsed.
  • "It's just a think-tank report that no one commissioned or endorsed."

    And that did, and still does, employ a group of many of the most radical members of the former Trump administration. They realize that it's not being well received, and are attempting to hide it under a tarp until after the election. "see, there's really nothing there!"


  • Good job of setting the table. Keep us posted. Thnx.
  • edited July 2024
  • edited July 2024
    Reed has a rather strident delivery. I only listened a bit. Felt like she was shouting at me. The right has a scary vision of our future for sure. So I agree with her underlying premise. Not being religious, it makes me sick some would have the Bible taught in public schools - just one symbol for all the other religious based crap they’d seek to impose. I said “seek to impose” because at this point in time we still operate under laws. I do fear Trump would change that which I guess is the simple truth behind her presentation. If you didn’t figure that out already from observing his 4 previous years in office you’re probably learning disabled.

    If you want a somewhat more balanced toned-down dose of politics in your evening viewing try NewsNation. Cuomo & Abrams host hour-long shows. Often feature spokespersons for both sides of the spectrum. Bill O’Riley, Geraldo Rivera, James Carville and many others. Lots of garbage thrown in as well. Not up to PBS standards, but neither are the other cable outlets.
  • @hank You couldn't have listed a group of "both sides spokesthings that I would rather never hear from again in my life.
  • "Not being religious, it makes me sick some would have the Bible taught in public schools - just one symbol for all the other religious based crap they’d seek to impose."

    Yes, we do not want a theocracy. I can recall a deliberately provocative textbook title from seminary: "A Christian America." With all of the "Blue Laws" and other customs, traditions and what-not which were somehow connected to Christianity in days gone by, I suppose we are in a better place, not having those things imposed upon everyone today. ("I want to go shopping, but---oops, the stores are closed; it's Sunday!")

    There is an angle by which I can see teaching the bible AS LITERATURE is valuable. So much of our lingo and culture is rooted in its myths, stories, episodes. The bible, both Hebrew and Greek, is certainly not to be read as a straightforward history book in the way we think of a history book, today. And there are even psychological insights to be taken from its pages. Jordan Peterson offered a 10-part, brilliant lecture series a few years ago, devoted to just that.

    Careful: LOUD start.
  • edited July 2024
    Thanks @Anna. (I deserve a whipping.) Just glad ESPN brings me a baseball game every night so don’t need to listen to all the shouting!

    @Crash - Good points. I don’t think the proponents of teaching the Bible in public schools see it as part of a course on Religion with several different faiths examined or as a small part of a World Literature or Philosophy course. I mentioned this because some states have recently mandated the Bible be part of curriculum.

    If I needed religion (which I don’t) I wouldn’t look to Trump, Cruz, Vance for instruction.
  • @Anna - +10. Took the words right out of my mouth and I could add mightily to that list.
  • edited July 2024
    Trump, Cruz, Vance for religion? I hasten to mention ...ummmm... that they are frauds, crazies, and they are some of the best examples of how to MIS-represent religion. Same with House Speaker, Johnson. (Gulp.)
  • I add that MSNBC has not produced another Part to the Project 2025. Perhaps with the 2025 Director being 'fired ???' has changed enough, that more time will be devoted in another direction towards following the many circumstances evolving each day to the election of VP Harris to POTUS.

    Project 2025 updates as they occur.
  • ""It's just a think-tank report that no one commissioned or endorsed."

    And that did, and still does, employ a group of many of the most radical members of the former Trump administration. They realize that it's not being well received, and are attempting to hide it under a tarp until after the election. "see, there's really nothing there!"


    ding,ding,ding.... correct answer above!
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