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Oil Billionaires Bet on Trump’s Energy Agenda

edited July 2024 in Other Investing
My portfolio is overweight with energy sector investments. FANG has been trading places with AVGO and RPHIX this year as my largest single portfolio holding. I have been wondering if Trumps pledge to increase domestic energy production could bear much fruit given the already high level of production under the Biden administration. This article fleshes out some of the ways he could try to accomplish his goals and suggests he may be able to succeed. That possibility leads me to wonder more about whether his agenda would be likely to benefit or hurt energy sector investments. Any thoughts about possible impacts will be appreciated. (Please remember to keep any comments focused on the investment implications of Trump's energy sector agenda.)

Trump’s Energy Agenda


  • edited July 2024
    @BaluBalu Thanks for the link I reread the comments with my rather general current question in mind. Midstream stocks such as ET and EPD initially continue to make sense too me because of the increased volume through the pipes. But upstream producers such as FANG may well get hurt if the restraint on production in recent years gets upended by an increased numbers of operators. What about downstream operations? There will be more quantity to process. Perhaps refiners and distributors will benefit.
  • Harris will be exposed as a nitwit that she is... don't forget that she received less than 2% of the votes in the primary... definitely a DEI, identity politics pick on Biden s part. She'll be exposed just as Biden was exposed as having severe cognitive issues.

    I've said it before...all the soccer mom's who live in the burbs who voted for Biden due to Trump's crassness will be voting trump as they have seen first hand the crime, the wars, the inflation, the illegals clogging up the health care system,... they can't stand Harris as think she's a clown show.

    Dem's are in trouble and they know it, the MSM is trying to pump up Harris but it won't work
  • Just another acolyte following his master. Not worth a response.
  • truth.
  • @Baseball_Fan, the rest of the forum has mostly stayed apolitical since the Trump assassination attempt (I don’t see or go over to off-topic, but that’s where politics is allowed and discussed)…..I do ask that you follow that same thing (not that I’m anybody other than an anonymous internet poster), please. You and I are on the same side, and opposite of most of the regular posters…..but I really feel like people have all been trying. It’s tough to read hammering of the republicans frequently, but it’s definitely diminished quite a bit recently.

    Feel free to ignore (I’m a faceless nobody on the Interwebs)….your investing posts are always value added to me, and the investing talk and cumulative investing knowledge around here are why I (and we all) enjoy this forum so much ! Cheers
  • @graust

    Gotcha, understood... thanks for the note

    Enjoy your day!
  • edited July 2024
    Thanks, @Graust.

    The swing voter and decider of election outcomes in both of the last two elections and perhaps the next one too is not the demographic of this forum. So, any manner of activism posts in this forum has the same value as taking a dump in the neighborhood park. The momentary satisfaction of relief is short sighted relative to the long term destruction of your own home value if the behavior becomes prevalent. Why even start? I wish all forms of activism (including all forms of seeking gratification at the expense of others) is checked out at the door.
  • @Graust- Yes sir, thank you very much. Overtly political rants have absolutely no place in the financial sections of MFO. The Off-Topic arena is the proper place for that sort of thing... a concept that only one or two posters seem to have a problem understanding.

    Baseball would be a complete mess if a few players were allowed to frequently ignore the rules and act out whenever they wanted to. It's ironic that that someone who professes to appreciate a rules-based contest feels free to ignore the rules and act out whenever he feels like it here on MFO.
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