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Ave Maria Fund Family

edited July 18 in Fund Discussions

  • Largest Catholic mutual fund family in the U.S.

  • Diverse group of six funds that enable investors to align financial goals with moral beliefs

  • Value investors utilizing proprietary criteria to screen out companies that promote or support activities contrary to the core moral teachings of the Catholic Church

  • Place equal emphasis on investment performance and moral criteria in selecting securities

  • Serve institutional and individual investors

  • Advised by Schwartz Investment Counsel, Inc., a registered investment adviser established in 1980

  • Professional portfolio managers and analysts average over 20 years of investment experience

  • 100% no-load mutual fund family

Ave Maria Funds - Risk and Return Since Launch

I believe RCMFX is actually secular, but same advisor.


  • Good info, Charles. Ethics in investing is a high priority for me, though after so many years, I have found that the very means of investing at all--- capitalism--- makes the task supremely difficult. What's legally permitted and what's ethical are almost divorced from each other today. I'm a former Catholic. I've moved on. But I admire the attempt at Ave Maria.
  • Sounds much better than my current “Hail Mary” approach. Thanks @Charles for sharing.
  • edited July 19
    Thanks. I'm usually skeptical of faith-based and veterans-based funds (USAA). Ever since I came across Timothy "Biblically Responsible" Funds (see family table below), which is perpetually on the bottom of our Fund Family Scorecard, likely because of high fees.

    But AVEFX seems to be a frequent Great Owl. It pops-up on a MultiSearch screen requesting top quintile 3-year rolling averages over last 10 years, with the added constraint of never losing money in any of those 3-year periods. As does, Azzad Wise Capital WISEX. Another faith-based fund, but this time Islamic. Azzad is based in Falls Church, VA. Schwartz is based in Plymouth, MI. Timothy in Maitland, FL.

    Timothy Funds - Risk and Return Since Launch

  • edited July 19
    On principle, I don't invest in religious- or political-themed funds, but sometimes when you examine their holdings you can find a hidden gem or two worth looking into.....
  • Too many do-gooders charge way too much, which makes me question their real intent.
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