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Bloomberg - Key JP Morgan strategist leaving after series of failed calls

edited July 3 in Other Investing
”JPMorgan's chief global market strategist and co-head of global research, Marko Kolanovic, is leaving the bank, according to an internal memo obtained by Bloomberg News. The move follows a disastrous two-year stretch of stock-market calls by Kolanovic. He was steadfastly bullish in much of 2022 as the S&P 500 Index sank 19% and strategists across Wall Street lowered their expectations for equities. He then turned bearish just as the market bottomed, missing last year's 24% surge in the S&P 500 as well as the 14% gain in the first half of this year.”

(This brief market news update was excerpted in its entirety from subscription based Bloomberg Media July 3, 2024)


  • Is Kolanovic the ghost of some well-known failed market timer? (snark)

  • Wow. Goldman would've promoted him....
  • edited July 3
    So many should be demoted and/or never be invited to talk on TV and make predictions.
  • Maybe he'll be hired by BofA. Sounds like a good fit.
  • edited July 4
    Maybe he’ll have to fly “Economy” and pay for his drinks along the way. Those seats near the Boeing door plugs are especially cheap.
  • edited July 5
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