I'm in the process of ending my forteen year marriage. It's all over except for the settlement. The only luck i had during all this was most of the money was mine before our marriage. Life some times just doesn't work out the way we want

I have two options:
1> Draw the money from my brokerage account ( i would have to sell down several mutual funds )
2> get a home equity loan ( My home is currently paid for free and clear )
I really need some advise from fellow investors because i can't make my mind up. Many people have advised that i take the money from the house and avoid touching my investments. I'm stuck in the middle because i'd hate to make payments on top of child support for children that i have 50% of the time. Also, i'd hate to pull the money from investments that could compound & appreciate over time
Sorry things didn't work out. I initially missed the point about the kids which is probably the most important piece...emotionally and financially.
Take the time to explore your options. Good luck.
It is indeed a dilemma. You face a retched choice. Nothing to do but bite the bullet. If you take a home equity loan, the payments would be fixed. You might decide to let your funds grow and compound, and in theory end up ahead of the game, in the end---barely. I went through divorce, too. Stinks.
Alternatively, you can move to a apartment (rent) for a while.
Because the major money was mine before marriage ( this includes most the money that purchased our home ) I got off rather easy. Under my States laws she was only able to get at half the income from my taxable investments during our marriage. However, this did not take place because once i proved the money was seperate property - she needed to hire accountants to figure her share - she backed away. With this settlement she signs the grant deed on the property and all rights to future money. I believe the whole settlement equals 1/3 of the current house value. Yes... I had myself a really high priced attorney. I got what i paid for at 250.00 an hour.
The settlement goes something like this:
Half my 401K
Half her school loans
Pay off her car in full
two years of living expense in cash
And child support ( state law ) for children that live with me equal time
It still equals tons of money..but it could have been much worse. My ten thousand dollar attorney bill saved me another hundred grand or so. The child support issue really bugs me because i buy my children every thing already. This money will only support my ex's habits, not the kids. With child support ordered it really leaves no wiggle room ( loss of job, etc ) Before the divorce (children under my direct care ) I could tighten things up if times called for it.