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Treasury money market funds

edited June 2024 in Fund Discussions
Looking for a replacement for VUSXX, since I'm leaving Vanguard, I worked up this table of Treasury MMFs. I included last year's fraction of income that was state exempt. If it isn't over half then (a) none of the income is state-exempt in Calif, NY, or Conn. and (b) one might do better after tax (in all states) in a general government fund.

Thinking in terms of a taxable account, ISTM the best funds at E*Trade are GABXX ($10K min) and VUSXX (80% exempt in 2023). The best funds at Merrill may be UTIXX (99.3% exempt) and TTTXX (94% exempt).

Family Fund Class Ticker E/R SECyld % Treas Broker Min Min IRA
Allspring 100% Treas MM A WFTXX 0.58% (0.60%) 4.77% 99.92% Etrade $1,000 $50
Treas Plus MM A PIVXX 0.58% (0.59%) 4.77% 21.41% Etrade $1,000 $50
Inst PISXX 0.20% (0.22%) 5.15% 21.41% Etrade $1 $1

Blackrock Lqd Fed Trust Inst TFFXX 0.17% (0.23%) 5.17% 98.65% Merrill $1 $1
Treasury Trust Inst TTTXX 0.17% (0.19%) 5.19% 94.07% Merrill $1 $1 T+0

DWS US Treas MM S IUSXX 0.32% 5.10% 100.00% Etrade $2,500 $0

Fed Hermes Gov Obl TaxMgd Inst GOTXX 0.20% (0.24%) 5.14% 99.996% Merrill $1 $1 T+0
Gov Oblig Inst GOIXX 0.20% (0.28%) 5.17% 32.047% Merrill $1 $1 T+0
Treas Oblig MM Auto TOAXX 0.50% (0.58%) 4.84% 16.850% Etrade $25K $250
Inst TOIXX 0.20% (0.28%) 5.15% 16.850% Merrill $1 $1 T+0
US Treas Cash R Inst UTIXX 0.20% (0.28%) 5.16% 99.295% Merrill $1 $1 T+0

Fidelity Gov Portfolio I FIGXX 0.18% (0.21%) 5.19% 35.13% Merrill $1 $1 T+0
35.13% Fid $1M $1M
Treas Portfolio I FISXX 0.18% (0.21%) 5.18% 22.21% Merrill $1 $1 T+0
Fid $1M $1M
Treas MMF - FZFXX 0.42% 4.95% 24.19% Fid $0 $0
Treas Only MM - FDLXX 0.42% 4.93% 90.39% Etr,Fid $0 $0
Daily FDUXX 0.70% (0.72%) 4.66% 90.39% Etrade $0 $0
I FSIXX 0.18% (0.21%) 5.18% 90.39% Merrill $1 $1 T+0

Gabelli US Treas MM I GABXX 0.08% 5.26% 100.00% Etrade $10K $1,000

JPMorgan Fed MM Instl JFMXX 0.21% (0.25%) 5.14% 98.32% Etrade $3M $3M
US Treas Plus Res HTIXX 0.69% 4.67% 19.63% Etrade $1,000 $1,000

Morgan Stanley Inst Liq Treas Inst MSUXX 0.20% (0.21%) 5.14% 100.00% Etrade $1 $1

Schwab Treas Oblig Inv SNOXX 0.34% (0.36%) 5.02% 11.21% Schwab $0 $0
Ultra SCOXX 0.19% (0.21%) 5.17% 11.21% Schwab $1M $1M
US Treas MM Inv SNSXX 0.34% (0.36%) 5.03% 99.61% Schwab $0 $0
Ultra SUTXX 0.19% (0.21%) 5.18% 99.61% Schwab $1M $1M

T Rowe Price US Treas MM Invstor PRTXX 0.30% 5.07% 30.78% Etrade $100K $100K
TRP $2,500 $1,000

Vanguard Treas MM Invstor VUSXX 0.09% 5.29% 80.06% Etr, VG $3,000 $3,000


  • Two thoughts, buy VUSXX at next stop or purchase your own T-bills, notes & claim 100% to do better on state taxes. Nice chart !
  • I was just looking at GABXX for my MMF at E*Trade - it looks like a better choice than either VUSXX or VMRXX (available at E*Trade NTF with $3k min) since it’s 100% exempt as its portfolio is exclusively T-Bills.
  • @MrRuffles That's 10K, your glasses must have slipped ? Guessing $10 K wouldn't be a problem.
  • @Derf It may not have been clear that I was referring to VMRXX with the $3k min as it’s unusual to find VG Admiral shares available at third-party brokers, let alone NTF.
  • Sorry @MrRuffles it doesn't read that way to me, Strike ONE. Thanks for VG info at other Brokers, as I have VG account, weather that be good or bad.
    Have a good weekend, Derf
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