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BBC MAGA documentary


  • edited June 16
    I'm so tired of all the media attention focused on this buffoon.
    I can't wait for the day that he simply "goes away" one way or another.
    Make America Great Again - nothing could be further from the truth!
  • He's the worse thing that's happened to this country in my lifetime.
  • He's the worse thing that's happened to this country in my lifetime.
    Surprisingly and terrifyingly, it says so much about this country we live in. I can only imagine what Germany looked like in the late 20's, early 30's.
  • "I can only imagine what Germany looked like in the late 20's, early 30's"

    You've nailed it.
  • "I can only imagine what Germany looked like in the late 20's, early 30's"

    Not too bad, really. Depending on one’s perspective.

  • edited June 17
    Yeah... but that didn't work out to well for them.
  • Hmmm, @hank, kind of like a MAGA gathering, with song.
  • edited June 17
    Probably could be termed … MGGA

    The sad thing is that more and more people went along as the movement snowballed. If you happened to be on the “wrong” side your life and those of your family were endangered by “things that go bump in the night.”

    Movie (source of the clip) stars Liza Minnelli. Pretty good. The play is running in NYC presently.
  • They have released additional videos, search MAGA BBC Moron on YouTube if interested. I'm not going to post them all.
  • He makes me want to vomit. If he's not gonna go to jail, I wish he'd just die.
  • edited June 18
    Oh, I don’t wish that on anyone. AFAIK he hasn’t actually shot anybody on 5th Avenue - just bragged about being able to do so. Remember that the end of a single cockroach's existence doesn’t solve the underlying problem.
  • Therein lies the dilemma. I admit I fear for my fellow citizens that don't happen to be lily white and male. I am glad I probably won't live long enough to see the progress, if any, of the movement backwards with hate carried forward.
  • Amen sister Anna! I don't like seeing it, I don't like hearing it, and I don't like dealing with it but damn if I won't! As Johnny Dangerously put it "You fargin' bastages!"
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