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Looks and feels like a mini-PV.


  • Thank you for the link. Always appreciated
  • edited May 22
    This tool looks promising.
    Thanks for the info!
  • yogibearbull,
    thx for all the pointers and opinions on these tools.
    am trying to estimate which best fits my needs for re-allocating all grouped family holdings with respect to asset-class in a tax efficient manner (without spending hundreds of hours becoming an expert at all).

    despite no online help, i really like several tools at elmwealth, and you should check them out :
    (no savings\uploads of setting possible for free users)
    they have 1 useful white paper also
  • edited May 24
    Excellent. Is maxdraw daily or month end? appears to be daily CAGR not month end. MD appears to be daily also if you look at the graph and move cursor. This is a huge find. Excellent.
  • excellent. is maxdraw daily or month end?

    Drawdown seems based on daily data. Here is the run for 2020 only to see more details of the credit freeze then,

  • There seems to be an ISSUE with how TestFol handled the 3/25/24 reverse-split for BERZ & FNGD. So, there is a huge spike on 3/25/24 & then things are back to normal. Unfortunately, that kills the MaxDD for the period.
  • Can't pass along user acceptance testing & feedback without contact info.
  • The 3/25/24 reverse-split problem for BERZ & FNGD noted above has been fixed. Thanks whoever! We still don't know anything about the company or the developer.
  • edited June 1

    Can't pass along user acceptance testing & feedback without contact info.

    There is an option to report bugs.
    Portfolio Backtester start screen >>> About >>> help page
    Report a Bug link is at the bottom of help page.
  • edited June 1

    The 3/25/24 reverse-split problem for BERZ & FNGD noted above has been fixed. Thanks whoever! We still don't know anything about the company or the developer.

    I clicked the Buy Me a Coffee button on the homepage and noticed user PeterKwok wrote this ~21 hrs. ago:
    "amazingly useful alternative to PV, you deserve a tip.
    by the way please fix the BERZ and FNGD data corrupt problem, ticket sent."
  • @Observant1, Peter Kwok and I discussed that bug at another site, see details,
  • Thanks, YBB!
  • please inform; given testfol AA tool is limited to 5 tickers and has no optimizer, it seems pretty useless.

    am also interested in hearing re: PortVis if anyone optimizes for anything other than sharpe. there does not seem to be a function that suggests noncorrelated tickers to improve the portfolio, correct? nor a function that tracks correlation over multiple periods ?
  • have unable to get any response from elmwealth on tool input details. but one may infer something interesting if true :

    a. their optimal asset allocation models imply only 5 variables matter. and none of them lead to <40% equity allocation.

    b. the withdrawal rate tool has ~20 variables...many of the usual suspects.

    plan on comparing allocation output to morningstar, vanguard.
  • TestFol Help now has links for "Report a Bug" (Google Doc form) and "Contact Us" ([email protected]). These have been quite responsive so far.
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