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extra goodies on Schwab site

I suppose they're supposed to be helpful. Anyone pay attention?
"Ratings and Reports."
Schwab Equity Rating
ESG rating
Market Edge

You others put much stock in all that? Interesting, for an amateur like me.


  • edited April 2024
    The Refinitiv ones are quantitatively helpful to corroborate things elsewhere, but I don't really put a TON of emphasis on them (or any research) in my own analysis.

    I like that I can get M* equity reports in the old-school PDF format can make for interesting qualitative reading. The web-based ones on the 'new' M* site are a royal pain to read/parse/follow.

    But ultimately I do my own analysis/DD. Such 'research' is just extra reading to see what's out there and maybe inform me on something I didn't yet know about.
  • edited April 2024
    Such 'research' is just extra reading to see what's out there and maybe inform me on something I didn't yet know about.

    I do check a full suite of websites to get 2, 3, 4 opinions, and stats. I like to compare using charts, to see total return, div. yield, P/E and all the rest. M* reads like cookie-cutter, but it's where I like to begin.

    ...Looks like Seeking Alpha has found me and cut me off. :(
  • @rforno, new M* Investors (subscription) does have downloadable 1- or 2- page PDFs. Here is a sample for FMSDX that I uploaded to PDF Host and linked below for demonstration. More can get me into trouble. In the old days, these PDFs were free at M*, but now not much is free at M*.
  • @rforno, new M* Investors (subscription) does have downloadable 1- or 2- page PDFs. Here is a sample for FMSDX that I uploaded to PDF Host and linked below for demonstration. More can get me into trouble. In the old days, these PDFs were free at M*, but now not much is free at M*.

    Thx. I actually re-sub'd a few weeks ago b/c I got a fairly solid educator's discount and figured it was worth it to see what had changed over the years. TBH while there are a few nice things there, on the whole I'm not that impressed w/the 'new' site and already killed the virtual card that I used to subscribe to plan to let the subscription die off on its own when it comes time for renewal.
  • I remember those paper reports at the library with everything under the sun included about a fund or a stock. Those were the days. In the end, it's an investor's decision to choose one or the other security. Being informed before pulling the trigger is vital; but sorting the wheat from the chaff can be laborious.
  • Not quite sure what you guys are looking for, but Schwabbie has PDFs on the "Ratings and Reports" section on the right side of your research page. Click "Schwab Equity Ratings Report."
  • +1. Yes, a welcome new source for me to consider.
  • Crash said:

    +1. Yes, a welcome new source for me to consider.

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