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So does one wait for the gov't shutdown prior to adding new money into equity???

edited February 2024 in Off-Topic
A bit of a silly question perhaps; as I don't know that the markets really care, eh?
But, the clown show in congress may give us just about anything.


  • Yes, that is correct
  • edited February 2024
    If there is a government shutdown, it is likely to be short live. However, this would put American citizens at risk from safety. The market recovered shortly. So have cash would be helpful.
    The most significant include the 21-day shutdown of 1995–1996, during the Bill Clinton administration, over opposition to major spending cuts; the 16-day shutdown in 2013, during the Barack Obama administration, caused by a dispute over implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); and the longest, the 35-day ...,the%20longest%2C%20the%2035%2Dday
  • edited February 2024
    Shutdowns or the possibility of one have become so common that I'm not sure it will affect the stock market much at all. I think the market knows its theatrics and political posturing.
    How many times has this happened?
    There have been 14 shutdowns since 1981, ranging in duration from a single day to the 35-day shutdown in 2018-2019. (Before 1981, agencies operated mostly as normal during funding gaps, their expenses covered retroactively once a deal was reached.) Shutdowns over spending disagreements are different (and less grave) than what would happen if the US breached its debt ceiling and defaulted on some of its obligations. That’s never happened, though the US came close in 2023.
    Bloomberg article
  • At the risk of being “too political “ the fact that the markets historically have ignored government shutdowns reveal the major disconnect between Wall Street and an increasingly ungovernable country.
  • Brinksmanship. There is no common matrix any longer between the two major parties. No spirit of trust nor compromise. Is Texas STILL blocking the Army from the border? Exhibit A. And what's being done about it? Court fights.

    Get in there. Arrest the Gov. And his Cabinet. States Rights died with the end of the Civil War. Uncle Greggy needs a lesson. From behind bars.
  • Other countries must be laughing at US now.
  • edited February 2024
    Many "experts" who come on TV and predict a meltdown are wrong.
    A meltdown usually occurs with uncertainty or really bad news for markets.
    * 2008-9 = MBS fiasco
    * The Fed raised rates several times in 2018
    * 02/2020 Covid was raging globally
    * Early 2022, and especially 02/2022: High inflation, high prices (gas, oil, food, housing, vehicles), terrible supply chain issues around the world, and war in Europe. The Fed screams it will raise rates by several % in the coming months

    The SP500 went down 20% or more and it wasn't about valuation, PE, inverted yield, GDP, high demand, demographics, Bullish sentiments, EARNINGS, and others the experts talk about.

    So, does a shutdown create uncertainty? no, there is not going to be one.


    "Get in there. Arrest the Gov. And his Cabinet. States Rights died with the end of the Civil War. Uncle Greggy needs a lesson. From behind bars."

    "love" politics on investment sites...mmm...maybe fire the president who is incoherent and barely knows what is going on, after all, the US doesn't have a border with the highest illegal aliens, add to it drugs, terrorists, criminals, and sex trafficking and you get a time bomb.
    Who should be behind bars, the guy that executes the law, or the one that doesn't? Biden can change it immediately if he wants to.
  • Politics is simply depressing. The extremists are in control of both parties, and we can't get a decent candidate to vote for from either. Again this year, it looks as if I'm going to have to hold my nose and vote against one.

    Anyone who thinks social issues can be solved 'simply' is a moron; regardless of party affiliation. The problem is that morons have an adverse effect on financial outcomes!
  • edited February 2024
    At Racqueteer. I am so sick of people who use try to say that both parties are the same. Back in the day I used to say that the two parties were merely the right and left wings of the capitalist party . Back in the day I was a fool.

    Only one party still believes in the constitution and the rule of law. Only one party supports Putin and stands with aggressors in Europe. Only one party. Only one party threatens libraries and medical providers and wants to pardon insurrectionists.Only one party. Never let anyone tell you they are all the same. The difference between the two parties have never been more obvious. And I won’t even touch your remark about social issues.
  • People complain about "sleepy Joe." OK, his enunciation is often lacking. But he owns a soul and a conscience, unlike the Orange other candidate. He knows how government works, and is in charge, unlike the previous Orange Prez, who can only think in terms of dollars and cents. Utterly clueless and spineless. Yes, Joe is very far from perfect. The Orange other choice is downright unfit.
    Both major Parties are afflicted with rather different diseases. Neither will get my vote. And then my vote will get erased, since virtually everything coming out of HI is Blue.

    (Back to our topic:) And it looks like a shutdown's been averted at the 11th hour again? This is not what I call governing.
  • Please take the conversation away from politics or it's likely to be deleted.
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