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MS-Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson leaves the Chairmanship of Morgan Stanley's Global Investment Committee. He still remains the Chief US Equity Strategist and the CIO. He stayed bearish for too long and firms cannot make money on that.


  • Mike Wilson has had opportunities in fall 2023 to adjust his views as more data became available. He struck to the inverted yield curve narrative too long. One would think there are ample resources at MS that he can lean on in order to see other more balanced views over a longer time horizon.

    Recent interview with David Giruox mentioned that TRP evaluate stocks on a 5-years investment horizon, not short term. Their longer view pans out nicely in a number of TRP funds.
  • edited February 2024
    Yogi Berra - ”Making predictions is tough …”
  • hank said:

    Yogi Berra - ”Making predictions is tough …”

    "especially about the future."

  • MS should have been fired years ago because he has been wrong for years.
  • edited February 2024
    FD1000 said:

    MS should have been fired years ago because he has been wrong for years.

    There are many strategists that have been wrong. Too bad they are rarely held accountable. Investor's memories are shorter than one would think!
  • edited February 2024
    How is it that all this supposedly “expert” and well timed investment advice emanating from the highest levels of corporate America flows apparently seamlessly down to we average schmoes free of charge? (OK - maybe a cable bill from watching bubblevision).

    I’ll have to confess I got what I paid for from Wilson. No complaints.
  • edited February 2024
    Info also has time value. So, the firm's proprietary research goes first to high-paying clients. But after that info gets stale in just a few days, it's everywhere for free - X/Twitter, Yahoo Finance, WSJ/Barron's, CNBC, etc. The paying clients get upset when they find that the info they paid for turned out to be so bad.

    FWIW, firm strategists have the difficult job of providing info daily, weekly, monthly to their salesforce/brokers. The outliers make news for a while, but the market eventually makes a fool out of them and firms get rid of them. So, most stay with safer, middle of the road opinions.

    Late Charlie Munger said it best. He didn't care if his opinions/views turned out to be right or wrong, but those made people think contemporaneously, and that's all that mattered.
  • William Bernstein is right when he calls it “ financial pornography”
  • This is why I created the "experts" wall of shame. (link)
  • Last year my advisor from Morgan Stanley returned 2.32% on my account. He said it was because the chief investment advisor was very "bearish". I should have just left my money in a Fidelity Money market account. This was the first time I used a Morgan Stanley advisor and last time too.
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