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Bloomberg Real Yield



  • I've started watching Bloomberg Real Yield a few months ago thanks to a recommendation here.
    Katie Greifeld seems to always be filling in for Jonathan Ferro.
    I think I've seen only one episode hosted by Mr. Ferro.
    Just an observation...

    I noticed the same thing. .......
  • edited December 2022
    J. Ferro and Lisa Abramowicz (who used to stand in for JF some, and is plenty good herself) are on other Bloom shows now, so maybe we're seeing Katie G. take over RY. I think she's ok, but sometimes she presses a little hard on things she seems to not quite fully grasp. Now it seems like it's really more the guests that make the program.
  • 23 december, '22.
  • 06 jan, 2023.
  • Thank you for posting Crash.
  • More positive on HY for '23 ...
  • ...And I notice that Katy Griefeld did NOT say she was "standing in for Jonathan Ferro."
  • AndyJ said:

    More positive on HY for '23 ...

    Yes, I hope they are right. I have a bunch of money riding in the junk arena.
  • Crash said:

    ...And I notice that Katy Griefeld did NOT say she was "standing in for Jonathan Ferro."

    Yep, looks like Katy's it.

  • edited January 2023
    Jan 13 edition here.

    Some disagreement here: Wells Fargo says inflation is still the leading risk, while the other two think it's the econ slowdown. Interesting to see Peter Tchir (sp?) push back on KG's emphasis on the year-over-year inflation number, saying he's looking at shorter terms like 3m and seeing inflation way down, and some econ storm clouds kicking up.

    Again, the guests see the greatest security risk in leveraged loans and very low quality HY. Also talk that earnings reports could drive a big market move in the short term.

    P.S. Katie's back to saying she's "in for Jonathon Ferro."

  • Fell asleep watching. Not their fault.
  • Ha! Glad you clarified with that last point ... although Katie can be a little repetitive.
  • edited January 2023
    20 Jan, 2023:
    No sleeping this week. More interesting than WSW from Davos. Buncha Talking Heads talking in generalities.
  • edited January 2023
    Excellent, @Crash. Came here for the link and you already had it posted.

    They even touched on EM debt ... which is already running hot. But how long will it last?

    Good bit of talk about the risk of Fed overtightening. Two of them seemed to think if the Fed does what they've put out there -- 5%+ terminal, no cuts in 2023 -- that will be overtightening.

    Nothing ever about munis, but then it's a fairly small slice of the whole market, so the big houses don't much care about them, I guess. But they're pretty important for individual investors.

    Issuance overall is really ramping up.
  • AndyJ said:

    Yep, looks like Katy's it.

    I have nothing against Jonathan Ferro but Katy Greifeld is very easy on the eyes.
  • edited January 2023
    I have nothing against Jonathan Ferro but Katy Greifeld is very easy on the eyes.”

    That appears to be a requisite for women working at the network. Have always wondered if Mike does the screening himself … ?

    Vonnie Quinn is one of my favorites for all around personality and talent. For whatever reason she no longer appears daytimes, but occasionally surfaces from NY on their late night lineup.

    Dani Burger seemed to drop into their post-midnight broadcasts a few months back from out of nowhere. Extremely attractive, knowledgeable and gifted overall - but young and rough around the edges as a broadcaster. Been fun watching her grow professionally.

    Photo Album
  • edited January 2023
    The Time Zones don't compute for me: I'm 2 hours behind L.A. and 3 hours, in summer. I would bet that Vonnie Quinn's brogue has held her back. Speaking as an Irishman, here. Seems to me she's done some work, rounding-out her words. She appears resistant to reciting that stupid spiel whenever any of them finishes their reports: "...128 countries on 14 continents, ... yada yada... THIS is Bloomberg." Wifey is Filipina, so I notice Lizzy Burden. Another is Kailey Leinz. Univ. of Virginia product. I want to have her children.
    Burden is a fashion model, too.

    Emily Chang is from Kailua, and went to school just up the block from where I live.

    Another of them is named Yu. A real looker.
  • Sonali Basak is also quite photogenic.
  • yes, as noted already, lots of eye candy. But all quite professional and capable, of course.
  • +1 crash It just dawned on me that you were talking about Punahou School. My college roommate Sophomore year graduated from Punahou in 1979, the same class as Barack Obama, but of course nobody had heard of Barry Obama then. An elite high school and better than my college !
  • carew388 said:

    +1 crash It just dawned on me that you were talking about Punahou School. My college roommate Sophomore year graduated from Punahou in 1979, the same class as Barack Obama, but of course nobody had heard of Barry Obama then. An elite high school and better than my college !

    Absolutely right. Another connection, for what it's worth: we moved last year out of the apartment block at Beretania @ Punahou where the future President lived, while with his grandparents. I'm sure things have changed since those days. The street noise was simply unbearable for us. We didn't have to go far, to find our new place. :)
  • "Another of them is named Yu. A real looker."

    OOPS. Katrina Yu is with Aljazeera:
  • ??? Looks like no show on 27th Jan, '23?
  • edited January 2023
    I searched Bloomberg and YouTube yesterday evening but didn't find an episode for 01/27/2023.
    Just searched again with same results.
  • It's here; it was mislabeled on YouTube, but you can tell from the "1 day ago" notation, and one of the guests at one point says something like "and here we are, January 27, and" blah blah.
  • @AndyJ

    OMG, how did you FIND it, then??? Good work! Thanks.
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