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Morningstar at it again

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  • yes. maddening.
  • My long-term logins continue to work from PC and Android phone. But I won't test issues by M* logoff and login.

    There are separate logins,
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  • i use portfolio manager, still. It appears to operate the way it should, but I've caught inaccuracies many times after checking with other websites.
  • I have not upgraded to "Investor" because the only portfolio manger they that I have shows there are transactional ones, and I use a watch portfolio to consolidate all m positions. They only show one of my watch lists, and this one I created in January and deleted last month. But it is still there on "Investor".

    IF they EVER got around to letting "Investor" download quotes and positions I might try it.

    I wish I had pulled the plug back in August when I had the chance
  • Have you noticed that Morningstar lists the PrimeCap Vanguard funds status as "open," while Morningstar Investor lists them as "closed" ?
  • Have you noticed that Morningstar lists the PrimeCap Vanguard funds status as "open," while Morningstar Investor lists them as "closed" ?

    Poor editing.

    3rd line in M* Analyst - Summary, "...The fund, subadvised by Primecap and closed to all investors,..."
  • edited October 2022
    Crash said:

    i use portfolio manager, still. It appears to operate the way it should, but I've caught inaccuracies many times after checking with other websites.

    I've noticed this as well.
    The price of a mutual fund (VFIAX?) was not updated for several days on multiple occasions.
    There were also other less noticable glitches.
  • Poor editing.

    3rd line in M* Analyst - Summary, "...The fund, subadvised by Primecap and closed to all investors,..."

    Neither status "open" or "closed" is entirely accurate.

    Supplement to the Prospectus and Summary Prospectus

    "Vanguard PRIMECAP Fund is closed to new accounts for investors not enrolled in Vanguard Flagship Services or Vanguard Personal Advisor Services. Clients of these services may open new Fund accounts, investing up to $25,000 per Fund account per year as described in this supplement, in individual, joint, and/or personal trust registrations."
  • Saturday, 29 Oct. '22.

    I just attempted to see the chart for a particular stock. Never saw THIS before:
    "System error. Please check your network and try again."

    Basic displays, tools and precise information are just not priorities. I must say I'm glad I've not ever given them any money. For ANYTHING.
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