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Lake Superior State U, 2021 Banished Words List

Beginning in 1976; the 2021 list is HERE.
You'll surely discover a few that should be banished and probably have your own list. One word I came to throw away many years ago; was peoples use of "Whatever". You remember, eh???
Remain Curious,


  • 2021 was suck-ass--- apart from my portfolio. Banished phrases? Ya, everyone must quit saying "reach out" when they mean CONTACTING someone. I hate that one. On the other hand, "Eat my shorts" is just timeless.
  • "Cool!" (in the informal "groovy!" context) seems to be the one word which I can recall being used when I was a teenager and which has survived to this day in general and universal usage. Usually when a word used by the younger is adopted by the older it's just a short time until oblivion. But "Cool!", for some reason, is a survivor.
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