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Latest MFO Premium Webinar Briefing and Video

edited August 2020 in MFO Premium

On Wednesday July 22st, we will host a webinar discussing latest features of the MFO Premium search tool site. Topics will focus on improvements made to the main MultiSearch tool, including:

  • Searchable Holdings Data (Company, Country, Industry)

  • Expanded Equity Portfolio Metrics

  • Multi-Year and Ferguson Ratings

  • Yearly Return and Fixed Periods Ratings

  • Bond Credit and Duration Breakout

  • Current Month Inflow and Outflow Estimation

  • Searchable Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs)

  • Nine New Evaluation Period (e.g., Trump Bump, CV-19 Bear)

  • Larger Watchlists with Customizable Names

There will be two sessions, one at 11 am Pacific time (2pm Eastern) and one at 2pm Pacific time (5pm Eastern). The webinar will be enabled by Zoom. Please use the following links to register for the morning session or afternoon session. Each will last nominally 1 hour, including questions.

Here are links to previous webinar charts and video recording.

Hope to you can join us again on the call. If you have any questions, happy to answer promptly via email ( or scheduled call.


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