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7 Twelve portfolios using NTF network mutual funds and ETF's

Hi Everyone here,

Recently I came across Online 7 twelve portfolios &
got interested due to its Brokers specific Fidelity 7Twelve Portfolio with NTF network funds & Etf's.

They also have Vanguard or Schwab network portfolios.

Have you heard or Used The 7Twelve Portfolio before?

How's Performance & tracking with Fidelity in 2019 to April 2020?

It's by Craig L. Israelsen

and with12 NTF mutual funds, utilized in the 7Twelve design can be index funds or actively managed funds.

You can build the 7Twelve model in an IRA account, 401(k) account, regular investment account.

All 12 funds are equally weighted in the “core” 7Twelve model (each with an allocation of 8.33%).

The equal- weighting is maintained by periodic yearly rebalancing.

'There are also three “Age Based” versions of the 7Twelve model that progressively reduces the risk of the portfolio.

Anyone familiar here or have implemented it using Fidelity's NTF funds?

What Do you think


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