Some people may recall I'm managing my MILs money at TRP. It's mostly in MM and right now showing at YTD loss of 3%. So all in all not terrible.
Now one reason I invested in PRFRX was because I thought it would offer better reward than MM with modest risk. However now I'm comparing its YTD performance against some other funds in the account - PRWCX, RPGAX - I'm left wondering if this is a one-off situation or going forward it's going to be a trap. Would appreciate if anyone had any insight / opinion to offer.
My problem is when I see "floating rate", I don't look at portfolio. What I hear is that it will yield me the prevailing interest rate.
Now if someone is selling me an S&P 500 Index fund, I'm not going to look at the portfolio to see if it is stocked 50% with small cap stocks. I just wouldn't think about ding that.
In any case, my question goes beyond portfolio of TRP. Isn't a "floating rate" fund supposed to be less risky than a "balanced" or "allocation" fund which can invest 60% odd in equities? What is the risk / reward equation from here going forward?
Can you offer some other reputed floating rate for comparison that was around during the financial crisis?
Straight from TRP website.
The floating-rate feature virtually eliminates interest rate risk.
Bank loans typically rank higher in the capital structure for repayment.
Low historical return correlations with other asset classes, including high-yield bonds, make bank loans a diversifier for equity and fixed-income portfolios.
... AND ...
The loans and debt securities held by the fund are usually considered speculative and involve a greater risk of default and price decline than higher-rated bonds.
This fund could have greater price declines than a fund that invests primarily in high-quality bonds or loans.
The ones highlighted line led me to believe the fund was invested in government securities only. Next time I see "interest rate risk" I'll know better.
I dunno why I assumed "floating rate" with safety. Thinking I will make 0.1% when rates were very low and about 3% when rates were about that. Then again, I somehow don't believe I'm the only one who's stupid. I can't imagine why any sane person would invest in floating rate funds. The risk/reward is simply not there and simply plotting say PBDIX against FFHRX shows that. "Diversification" like this I don't need.
In a somewhat related matter, muni bond funds and high yield munis also lost big recently (and in 2008). Muni funds had huge increases today — 3-5% — which is unheard of for munis. Personally I think most of the recent bond fund drops were due to liquidity issues from traders selling bonds, after stocks dropped so much, and overwhelming the markets.
I'll admit that it's hard to ignore the whimpering right now.
However. As I understand the thesis, if interest rates rise you don't take the duration hit.
So. Diversification and all that.
Your mileage may vary.
For example,
Vanguard Federal money market, VMFXX, 7 days yield, 0.82%
Vanguard Muni money market, VMSXX, 7 days yield, 4.05%
Liquidity issue?