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Why History's Longest Bull Market Is Just Getting Started

Why History's Longest Bull Market Is Just Getting Started

'Doom and gloom predictions about the stock market drive click. I get it.

But those predictions have fallen flat for 10 years straight.

U.S. stocks keep marching higher, and history’s longest bull market keeps getting longer.

Here’s a chart of the S&P 500 since February 2009. It’s climbed 325%:'


  • He's kind of embarrassing, don't you think? This is the guy who has, in consecutive weeks, written the articles on why everyone should own hazardous waste stocks, why everyone should own pet care stocks, why everyone should own water stocks...
  • He's a fence jumper - for sure!! When he talks about "rising tide lifts all boats" I might start looking for an exit!!
  • newsmax, bwahaha
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