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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Morningstar Fund Family 150

Twice a year, Morningstar publishes the Fund Family 150 report, an update on the 150 largest U.S. fund families. Of the 777 fund families in the U.S., these fund families account for 99% of the $19.3 trillion invested in U.S. funds and ETFs.
150 pages of reports (a page per family), plus various rankings of families (inflows, largest number of medalist winners, largest percentage of AUM in 4 and 5 star funds). Methodology description.

Also contains a link to a data spreadsheet so that you can play around with the numbers yourself.

That is important, as you may disagree with how M* applies its data to come up with family ratings. For example, DoubleLine has the highest percentage (89%) of AUM in 4 and 5 star funds (concentrated in two funds). But the family as a whole is given a neutral rating.


  • @msf: I already linked this as part of the " Is Any Mutual Fund Company Better Than Vanguard? 1 Comes Close" just a few links below yours! Looks to me like you don't read current mutual funds articles on the board.
  • @Ted
    The art of properly marketing a product, which includes personal commentary here; which causes one to want to walk through the door of discovery.
    Surely, most readers here are short on time from their work and family obligations and are not able to wade through everything posted here; especially if not properly advertised.

    SUCCINCT is your word study of the day.
  • Nice try Ted. But where's your link to the raw data?

    Why would I open a thread highlighting a link to a Barron's article that I can't read without a subscription? (A mouse over of the thread is all that's needed to reveal this.) You're right, I don't read current mutual fund threads that have no value to me.

    Besides, you posted a thread months ago that claimed that D&C was already the top family with 100% of its funds having 4 stars or 5 stars. (That was a statistical fluke, because most of the time DODFX is sitting at 3 stars, as it is now.)

    The thread you're referencing is just a followup and does not appear to offer anything new.
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