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Here's a big effing surprise, eh???

Half of college-age people say their degree is irrelevant to the work they're doing. I can't say that was the case for me, though when I finally DID start my career after all that college stuff, the duties and requirements were nothing like I'd been led to expect.


  • While the young lady cited as an example in the article is an outlier, I would not advise one of my children or grandchildren to omit college, but I DO think that trade schools are a reasonable alternative. (The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.”)
    College should have its main goal to encourage its student to think. If it is failing in this goal, the student should go elsewhere. Unfortunately, this requires remarkable courage and understanding of one's goal, which very few 19 y.o.s have.
    Wouldn't you really want an intelligent plumber, electrician, or air conditioning technician helping you than than a stockbroker who graduated at the bottom of his class?
    I think the career paths for people with for average intelligence have disappeared (or been obscured). They will make good livings maintaining our AC, plumbing, and electrical systems and serve society well. Unfortunately, I think the people directed to these professions are somewhat below this level of intelligence, and some of us suffer as a result.
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