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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Introducing MFO Premium’s New Home Page

edited August 2019 in MFO Premium
We've moved to a new web location and adopted several new features that will make our search tools site more friendly and support its growth.

More details here, including two month subscription extension for all subscribers, past and present.



  • MJG
    edited July 2019
    Hi Charles,

    As usual, you do the hard work and do it well. Thank you for helping to make this website so useful and easy. Here’s a Link to a Mac Davis song that contributes a little humor to the serious business of investing.

    mac davis good looking song

    Sorry that this is not a direct Link, but a little effort will get you there.

    Enjoy! I’m in no way suggesting that the message of the song applies to you. It does not. It also does not apply to me, but I’m not so sure about several other MFO contributors. We each follow our own pathway to investment success. Some like to talk about it more than others.

    Best Wishes
  • edited July 2019
    Ha! Thank you MJG.

    I know I'm biased here but I honestly can't imagine advising folks on funds without knowing the risk and return metrics and ratings available on our search tools site! Rolling averages, drawdowns, correlation.

    Brad Ferguson has shared that he uses our tools to screen firms touting their funds to him. For example: "If your funds are so good, why is it they rate the worst on MFO's Fund Family ScoreCard?"

    Similar thoughts that comes to mind ... some I think we should adopt as MFO slogans:

    Why is it you've invested in a fund panned by David Snowball?

    Did you know half your funds are on our Three Alarm list?

    Do you know who your Great Owls are? (My favorite.)

    Very much appreciate your support and feedback! The site is gonna just keep getting better.

  • Quick note for those who were sent password reset emails a few days ago. If that link is now expired, simply use link below to reset password ...
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