FYI: One of the signature achievements of the post-millennial capital markets is the driving down of investor costs to near zero, via Reg NMS which did away with the fraction spreads market makers once enjoyed and converted stock exchanges to a decimalized system.
While there have been winners and losers as a result of this and other improvements, no one would argue that the individual investor hasn’t become better off – more access, lower costs, increased liquidity. The concurrent shrinking of the average internal expense ratio at mutual funds and ETFs has been undeniably positive for the end investor trying to save for college, retirement, etc.
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is now calling for a transactions tax on investors and traders that would represent a big step backwards for market participants, with the altruistic goal of wiping out the $1.6 trillion in student debt that many believe is holding back the economic potential of millions of young Americans.

InvestmentNews Article:
Instead of socialism, how about investment. Same dollar and same result; just the politics are different. And we all share all that comes to the US from it's amazing children. I think its abbreviated ROI.
I spent a number of years in college and loans were used BUT I also worked while attending school to hold down those loan amounts to a figure I felt that I could repay when the day of reckoning arrived. It probably didn't help that I also had this thing about owing money and having to pay interest. So hot dogs and ramen noodles it was and I soldiered on.
When I see the debt figures these days of students leaving college, especially those who attend the Betsy DeVos type schools of 'screw them for all you can while providing no meaningful or usable return' I'm just astounded. Surely tuition costs more these days but what was the rest of that loan money used for? Also, I don't feel compelled to bail out some students "elite" school education which I had no chance of getting because my parents could never afford to "donate" enough to get me admitted even if I would have asked them for help.
I would like to find solutions here but I'm having trouble zeroing in on a starting point.
The students will make their money they old fashion way - they earn it.
As for the institutions they wont starve!!
I'm also convinced that the first two years of college are a waste of time and money for many. I came from a solid high school experience. I had plenty of exposure to the arts along with all of the sciences and math courses. (I admit that I haven't a clue if that's true for everyone). The point I'm trying to make is that my first two years of college were basically a repeat of everything I had done in my junior and senior years of high school. Those that can should be able to test out of that experience. It wasn't an option at the U of MN.
Have to give immigrants free Healthcare and free housing ssi since their lives and votes are much more valuable than our vets or our USA citizens. We also should open the borders since we are a living giving and kind supportive nation
Also everyone who wants their private part modified and birth controls are also free (for both men whom wanted be women and women who desire to be men)
Think I need register and vote for bary or uncle Joe 4 or 5 times in 2020. I am hoping to turn Texas blue
Think whoever give /promise most free stuff will get that heelspurs outta WH 2020!!...
Uncle Joe and bary was 5-10s pt ahead of spurs few days ago
Wonder whatever happened to whom ever worked the hardest would get the best grade / accepted to good colleges /gradschools and really have to pay for tuition and schools loan once finished... At least this us what i did and my family did and ended up in middle class 2nd Gen Americans
These undocumented people you're so down on John work far, far harder than you think or give them them credit for but they (many) are at the mercy of employers who only want to pay them far less than minimum wages for the privilege of not being reported. Even 45 has been outed for this abuse and he hasn't worked a day in his life.
I think you need to get out more and for gosh sakes turn off Fox news.
Imho the most abused most hard workers are immigrants that came to usa from all corners of world
Everyone-s fav Grandpa Barry and best uncle Joe aunt Elizabeth would surely win 2020 by a mile!! ! Up 7-10pts in polls against spurs
(1) For example, as persons they are entitled to spend whatever humongous amount of cash they deem necessary to
bribepropitiate congress so as to obtain whatever outcome they may desire.(2) No, they are not subject to any AMT.
I hope that clarifies the situation.
But that was then. This is now, and now there's no more corporate AMT. It was permanently repealed as part of the 2018 tax cuts.
Why was that done? As I understand the official story line, corporate tax cuts were made, and made permanent, so that US corporations would be more competitive and to stimulate investment and jobs. Never mind that corporations were already sitting on piles of cash that they didn't know what to do with. Meanwhile, individual taxpayer tax cuts were made temporary, because otherwise the deficit after ten years would be too big and would break Senate rules.
Please see footnote (1), directly above.