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Closed to New Investor Warnings?

Are we told ahead of time if a fund will be closed to new investors, and if so, where can I find this information? Is there a site or a list of upcoming closings? I haven't been able to find anything. Thanks! Starchild.


  • Advance announcements often are a way to increase assets of already bloated funds. Consequently a few families, notably Vanguard, do not provide them (and sometimes even hard-close funds, i.e. close them to new money from existing investors).

    I don't know of a site technically dedicated to aggregating such announcements, but given @TheShadow 's great work in tracking SEC filings, MFO may be as close as you get.
  • msf said:

    Advance announcements often are a way to increase assets of already bloated funds. Consequently a few families, notably Vanguard, do not provide them (and sometimes even hard-close funds, i.e. close them to new money from existing investors).

    I don't know of a site technically dedicated to aggregating such announcements, but given @TheShadow 's great work in tracking SEC filings, MFO may be as close as you get.

    Thank you msf.
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