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10 Least Valuable College Majors

FYI: Advisers can play a crucial role in helping clients evaluate how much is too much to pay for college. Examining the earning potential of the degree holder after graduation is a great place to start. These are the 10 “least valuable” college majors based on the average income and employment level of students with that degree, as well as the portion who pursued a higher degree, such as a master’s or doctorate, according to’s new report. examined 162 majors with labor forces of 15,000 or more, and based its results on 2016 data (the most recent available) from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.

1. Miscellaneous Fine Arts
2. Composition And Speech
3. Clinical Psychology
4. Cosmetology Services And Culinary Arts
5. Visual And Performing Arts
6. Human Services And Community Organization
7. Educational Psychology
8. Drama And Theater Arts
9. Interdisciplinary And Multidisciplinary Studies
10 Library Science

10 Most Valuable College Majors: (In Case You Missed Yesterday's Article.)


  • 11th least marketable university major: Theology. But then, those who pursue that path are not primarily concerned about the money.;)
  • Hi Guys,

    While the least valuable in any category provides solid avoidance guidelines. I always prefer reports that explore the positive end of the distribution. That.'s more direct actionable info since short selling is high risk adventure.

    What are the most valuable college majors based on the same measures used for the negative listing? Here is a Link to an article that reported the other end of the distribution curve?

    Not too surprisingly, the science and engineering disciplines dominate this positive listing.

    Best Wishes

  • @MJG: You mean like this !
  • Hi Ted,

    Exactly on target. Thanks very much. I'm old enough to remember Crosby from real time war experiences. I miss him. Also, I did miss some of your earlier postings. Missing them translates into I'm definitely less well informed. My bad.

    Best Wishes
  • Cute! Crosby attended, but did not graduate from the school I attended, too! I dunno if HIS chosen major field of study was as un-marketable as my own. There was a Crosby Alumni House while I was there in the 1980s. Lots of growth there since then.

    And yes: The Administration Building has been renamed "College Hall" because no one can spell or understand what "administration" means anymore. Pretty pathetic. Sign of the times wherever you look, now, though.
  • edited September 2018
    So much for my previous concept of an “educated person“.

    I suppose there is a lot to be said for designing buildings, bridges and technological miracles like the new Apple Watch. Yes - if “value“ equates to “money“ in your life, than the emphasis in the article is probably correct.

    But some of us have a much different measure of “value“. Indeed, the inability of many to read and listen critically, to think critically, and to extrapolate logical conclusions from the evidence at hand may well account for the dire straits in which we find ourselves as a nation.

    It’s those skills which can be imbued through a strong well-rounded liberal arts education.
  • MJG
    edited September 2018
    Hi Guys,

    I'm hoping that this post changes the mood just a little:

    It's worth a try anyway!

    Best Wishes
  • "Money For Nothing." Great song. The perfect indictment of our contemporary culture. Unless you choose a favorite of my own: "Candy Everybody Wants." Complete with voice-over at the start, spelling out for those without critical-thinking skills just how dire the situation has become:
  • so much for us history and lit students :)
  • Great tune from Dire Strait while I was a physics major and wasn't sure about future profession. One thing for sure, there wasn't chicks for free. I was fortuned to met my future wife who was a chemistry major and went on to receive her doctorate degree in chemistry. Even though I went on to become a professor, I follow her career path whichever it takes her.
  • edited September 2018
    @MJG - Thanks - but I just can’t relate to you engineering types.

    Math folks?? Sometimes ... it depends:)
  • @davidmoran, Material engineering. My wife who is far brighter and sensible than myself. She works as a chief science advisor.
  • Many of my chief colleagues the last several years at QinetiQ (and BBN a little bit) were materials guys, polymers and much more; I edited a lot of small proposals on nano this and that, polymers, lignum xformation into plastics, that sort of thing; way fascinating for a layman. All of them taught on the side at Tufts, UMass-Lowell (which is trying to grow its materials eng majorI, some MIT. Cool.
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